Walmart’s ‘Never Forget’ Is Making Everyone Mad Because We Are All Victims Now

It’s 2016, how may I offend you today?

A Florida is catching some heat for their 9/11 Coke display. With the anniversary of coming up, it’s not surprising to see displays like this. However, people are objecting to the imagery being used to sell products.

Here’s the ‘offensive’ :


I know, it’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen. Like … ever.

The outrage expressed at this attempt at 9/11 remembrance is almost as severe at the outrage Americans expressed at Budweiser for their 9/11 commercial.

Remember how pissed we all were at Budweiser for that? No. Wait. We all loved that commercial, and couldn’t stop praising it. What’s the difference again?

One display had a price tag, and the other was just a company attaching their brand to an emotional historical event in an attempt to psychologically get us to buy more of their product. One was overt, one was covert. Both were patriotic displays designed to pay respect to lives lost, and simultaneously get you to buy their products and build brand loyalty.

When I saw that people were pissed off about this Walmart display, all I could think of was this meme I’ve been holding onto:


Businesses have been trying to make money off of historic events since the beginning of time. Stop pretending this display is some unique and new concept. Many businesses avoid displays like this in real life and online to avoid such controversy. Then you all them for not acknowledging a major historical event, or holiday.

Walmart and Coke just want to sell you soda, and pay respect to the victims of 9/11 at the same time. Get over yourselves and your manufactured outrage.

If you want to get pissed off about a 9/11 display, get pissed off at this one that showed up in Atlanta recently:




Daily : Tuesday, September 6

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Show Prep: Monday, June 20

Lynch: “Partial Transcript” Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed | Video | RealClearPolitics

“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to groups, and further his propaganda,” Lynch said. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the State].”

DOJ Scrubbed References to Islam From Transcripts of Orlando Terrorist’s 911 Calls | Fox News Insider

The transcripts of those calls, however, do not include Mateen’s oath of loyalty to ISIS or any other religious justification for the attack.

Psychologist: I Never Evaluated Omar Mateen | NBC Bay Area

Nudelman said in a statement to NBC she never administered the test to Mateen and was not even practicing in Florida at the time when G4S ordered the evaluation.

Nothing To Do With Islamic Terror? 60% Of Democrats Interpret Orlando As Domestic Gun Violence

While 79% of Republicans view it primarily as an act of Islamic terrorism, the majority of Democrats, 60%, see it as an act of domestic gun violence.

Lynch Says FBI Didn’t Arrest Orlando Shooter Because “He Had The Right To Be A Radical Muslim”

“For better of for worse, had every right to be a radical in this country, and every other citizen of America has the same right, despite of their religious beliefs.

Omar Mateen threatened a mass shooting…in elementary school « Hot Air

A former classmate at Mariposa elementary school in Port St. Lucie, Florida tells CNN, Mateen once threatened to bring a gun to school and kill everyone. That was in fourth or fifth grade. He was nine or ten years old. The classmate could not recall what punishment Mateen received, but said it was “a very big deal at the time.”

Weaponized drones could soon be banned in Michigan – 95.3 MNC

Legislation would make it a crime in to weaponize an unmanned aerial vehicle.

New Report: FBI Can Access Hundreds of Millions of Face Recognition Photos | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Today the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) finally published its exhaustive report on the ‘s face recognition capabilities. The takeaway: FBI has access to hundreds of millions more photos than we ever thought. And the Bureau has been hiding this fact from the public—in flagrant violation of federal law and agency policy—for years.

Oakland Police – “It’s a Cesspool” – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

According to ABC news, the teen sex worker claims to have slept with 14 police officers while she was  underage. One of the officers committed suicide in 2015, and left a suicide note with information on the sex offenses.

EPIC Response From Landowner When Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Requests Access to Land »

We have divided our 2.26 acres into 75 equal survey units with a draw tag for each unit. Application fees are only $8.00 per unit after you purchase the “ Survey License” ($120.00 resident / $180.00 Non-Resident). You will also need to obtain a “Frog Habitat” parking permit ($10.00 per vehicle). You will also need an “Invasive Species” stamp ($15.00 for the first vehicle and $5.00 for each add’l vehicle) You will also want to register at the Check Station to have your vehicle inspected for non-native plant life prior to entering our property. There is also a Day Use fee, $5.00 per vehicle.

Blog: CIA Director Brennan contradicts Obama on ISIS threat

Less than 48 hours before his testimony, President Obama had tried to soothe the nation’s concerns in the wake of the Orlando massacre,

More than 50 active US Diplomats trash Obama’s Syrian policy – HYPELINE

The Wall Street Journal reports: The “dissent channel cable” was signed by 51 officers involved with advising on Syria policy in various capacities, according to an official familiar with the document. The Wall Street Journal reviewed a copy of the cable, which repeatedly calls for “targeted military strikes” against the Syrian government in light of the near-collapse of the ceasefire brokered earlier this year.”

Liberal Reporter Seeks to Show How Easy It Is to Purchase an AR-15 in America — He Definitely Didn’t See This Coming |

Steinberg recently traveled to Maxon Shooter’s Supplies in Des Plaines, Illinois, with intentions of purchasing a Smith & Wesson M & P 15 Sport II semi-automatic rifle.

Daily : Monday, April 18

This is my last Daily until after I get back from Ireland

AMC won’t allow texting in movie theaters after major backlash – 95.3 MNC News | The Burning Truth

As I told you earlier, this was a BAD idea.

The Numbers – Movie Market Summary 1995 to 2016

Annual Ticket Sales

Teacher Goes Off On Middle School Student Who Caught Him Watching Threesome Porn

The mother doesn’t believe there was actual sex being shown, but maybe the precursor to a sex scene that sets the origin story and plot.

11 Year-Old ‘Dancing Trumps’ Banned From School Talent Show After Complaints (Video)

The 11 year-old from Fiske Elementary School in Wellesley, Massachusetts were banned from entering the talent show.

How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11 | New York Post

In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in , “60 Minutes” last weekend said the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s delicate alliance with the oil-rich kingdom.

Saudis warn of economic reprisals if Congress passes 9/11 bill –

is warning it will sell off billions in American assets if the U.S. Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would allow victims of 9/11 and other attacks to sue foreign governments.

Released Hillary phone transcript reveals Benghazi truth: ‘Attack had nothing to do with the film’ | BizPac Review

“We know the in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” Clinton told Kandil. “It was a planned attack – not a protest.”

Judge rules Newtown lawsuit against gun maker can go forward – CBS News

Barbara Bellis ruled Thursday that a federal law protecting -makers from lawsuits does not prevent lawyers for the families of Sandy Hook victims from arguing that the semi-automatic rifle is a military weapon and should not have been sold to civilians.

FedEx employee falls asleep, is shipped with packages to Texas |

There are probably more than a few of us out there who have nodded off at work. For one sleepy employee, a seemingly harmless nap landed him in a bit of a bind when he woke up several states over.