Union Thugs Want Republicans Tarred And Feathered (Video)

You’ve heard me say many times that Indiana Democrats need to act like adults, and show up for work.  Well, they haven’t been.  As a result, important legislation has been held up.  Like the human trafficking legislation the Governor wants done before the Super Bowl.

The reason they are rarely showing up for work is the push to make Indiana a right to work state.  All that means is that an employee who doesn’t belong to a union can’t be forced to pay union dues in order to keep their job.  If this law passes, the unions will get less money to give to Democrat politicians.  Hence their outrage.  It has nothing to do with protecting the workers of Indiana.  Unions are not required to negotiate on behalf of non-union employees at the workplace.  So there goes the union’s “free-loader” argument.

Since Democrats decided to not show up for work, they missed their deadline to submit amendments to the right to work legislation in question.  In accordance with House rules, the Republicans refused to allow the Democrats to submit those amendments late.

That’s when this happened:

ARVE Error: need id and provider

I love the line …

American lives have been lost defending our democracy!

Yeah, because I joined the military to have a steal money from my family against my will. What a noble ‘American’ value buddy.

Of course, honorable mention goes to …

Does ‘aye’ mean ‘yes’?

And …

You’ll be tarred and feathered for this!

Isn’t civility, maturity, and reason more meaningful when you see someone completely devoid of it?

I recently did a breaking down right to work vs union states for your reference.

The has another video of the incident with the camera sitting with the union thugs.

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New Website Up And Running! Please Update Your Bookmarks!

I finally got my self-hosted website up and running. This site will serve as a backup, but will no longer be active. I know it’s frustrating updating your bookmarks, and RSS feeds to a new site. However, it had to be done. Free hosting just wasn’t doing it for me anymore.

The new website is at TheBurningTruth.us.

One of the main reasons for getting the self-hosted domain (aside from the obvious) is that I needed to have a site that could import content I wanted to share automatically, and I needed to have my podcasts hosted on the same site as my blog.

The new site also has some great flexibility for me to implement new features for you!

Not only can you read the blog, catch up on the , listen to and download my podcasts, but I have great plans for the coming months.  The new site will have a members section that allows registered members (free) to submit stories they think other listeners and readers would enjoy.  Think of it as submitting to the site.  Kind of like Glenn Beck’s The .  Who knows, maybe I’ll use your story on the air during Michiana’s Morning News.

I’m also looking into adding a live chat back onto my site.  Listeners really liked that feature when I was on the radio in Vegas.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to add a whole new video feature as well.  Like MNC TV, but with more of a hard edge.

I’ve learned my lessons from previous endeavors in Vegas on my web presence.  It was frustrating for listeners, readers, and me to move things around when I left one station for another.  I used to tie all of my web presence to the station I was working at.  I’ve put a stop to that practice.  My new Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, and Website are mine, and mine alone.  They will remain the same no matter where I move, or work.  So rest assured, this will be the last time you ever have to update your bookmarks and subscriptions.  Also, all posts from this blog have been copied over to the new site as well.

Thankfully, I work for a great company that understands the importance of my brand, and encourages these practices.

Please check out The Burning Truth when you get a chance, and subscribe to the feeds.

Welcome To My New Site!

I finally got my self-hosted website up and running. This site will serve as a backup, but will no longer be active. I know it’s frustrating updating your bookmarks, and RSS feeds to a new site. However, it had to be done. Free hosting just wasn’t doing it for me anymore.

One of the main reasons for getting the self-hosted domain (aside from the obvious) is that I needed to have a site that could import content I wanted to share automatically, and I needed to have my podcasts hosted on the same site as my blog.

The new site also has some great flexibility for me to implement new features for you!

Not only can you read the blog, catch up on the , listen to and download my podcasts, but I have great plans for the coming months.  The new site will have a members section that allows registered members (free) to submit stories they think other listeners and readers would enjoy.  Think of it as submitting to the site.  Kind of like Glenn Beck’s The .  Who knows, maybe I’ll use your story on the air during Michiana’s Morning News.

I’m also looking into adding a live chat back onto my site.  Listeners really liked that feature when I was on the radio in Vegas.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to add a whole new video feature as well.  Like MNC TV, but with more of a hard edge.

I’ve learned my lessons from previous endeavors in Vegas on my web presence.  It was frustrating for listeners, readers, and me to move things around when I left one station for another.  I used to tie all of my web presence to the station I was working at.  I’ve put a stop to that practice.  My new Facebook Fan Page, Twitter, and Website are mine, and mine alone.  They will remain the same no matter where I move, or work.  So rest assured, this will be the last time you ever have to update your bookmarks and subscriptions.  Also, all posts from this blog have been copied over to the new site as well.

Thankfully, I work for a great company that understands the importance of my brand, and encourages these practices.

I’ve set up two new feeds for you to subscribe to in the sidebar.  You can subscribe to the whole blog, or just the podcasts.  I’m also going to use Networked Blogs a lot more for syndication.  Please spread the word, and thanks for the support.


The Burning Truth : Right To Work vs States – Just The Facts



‘s battle to become a right to work state has been dominating local headlines. We’ve discussed the issue several times on ‘s Morning , but several myths continue to persist.

In this edition of ‘‘ I break down the facts of right to work states vs states in hopes that some clarity can come to the issue. Hoosiers deserve honest and informed discourse on this issue. It is, after all, their livelihood on the line.

Right To Work vs Union States – The True Facts by Casey Hendrickson – Talk Host on Mixcloud