Show Prep: Monday, August 20, 2012

Will Ryan’s fundraising boost Romney’s campaign? (+video) –

Now, as Romney’s vice presidential pick, Ryan is already energizing donors, especially those on the Wall Street scene.

With Paul Ryan on ticket, GOP is now the party of change and the future | Fox News

Suddenly, instead of Somebody vs. Nobody, the campaign is becoming Something vs. Nothing. Because of Ryan’s substantive agenda and ability to articulate it, the GOP ticket is now the Something running against the Democrats’ Nothing.

Obama campaign offers Romney 5-year tax disclosure – Chicago Sun-Times

Barack Obama’s re-election campaign kept up pressure against Republican rival Mitt on two fronts Friday, launching a new ad defending the president’s record on Medicare while challenging Romney to release at least five years of returns.

Baker Refuses EBT Cards, Outrage! | The Burning Truth

The feds don’t want me eating fries, popcorn, or drinking large drinks, but they are ok with welfare recipients eating any damn thing they want.

Butcher refuses to accept EBT cards for his meat

Because every welfare recipient deserves
$30 a pound steak while I eat Walmart steaks.

Tim Tebow Birthday Pizza Featuring Face of God Cooked Up at Alabama Pizzeria (Photo) – New York Jets –

Alabama pizzeria decided to mark the occasion. Joe Carlucci, owner of Famous Joe’s Pizzeria, is a huge Tebow and Jets fan, so he decided a Tebow-themed was the way to go, according to WAAYTV.

Elkhart girl shot, passes away, after apparent home invasion

7 year-old was in the . She underwent emergency surgery to relieve swelling of the brain, but died on Sunday.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange asks Obama to get U.S. off his back | Nation/World | Detroit Free Press |

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called on President Barack to end what he called a “witch hunt” against his secret-spilling website, appearing in public Sunday for the first time since he took refuge inside Ecuador’s embassy in London. He sought sanctuary there two months ago to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex crimes accusations.

Dancing & Fertility: Women Seen As More Attractive Dancers During Fertile Phase Of Menstrual Cycle, Study Suggests

Women in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle are judged as more attractive dancers by men than are women in a less-fertile phase, a new study finds.

Cantaloupes linked to deadly salmonella outbreak | The Town Talk |

Consumers are once again doubting the safety of , a year after a deadly outbreak of food poisoning caused by tainted melons killed at least 30 people and sickened 146 people.

In all fairness, cantaloupe warns you it’s bad for you with it’s bright color and awful flavor.

Obama’s America: Above Average Students Lose Privileges | The Burning Truth

This is just nuts. High achieving students should be getting extra , not losing basic privileges. Is there a better example of how backwards this country has become?

Morning Show Drills Obama With Tough Questions | The Burning Truth

This gives true radio professionals like myself a headache.

Steve Jobs’ stolen iPad unwittingly used by ‘Kenny the Clown’ after burglary – San Jose Mercury News

Police said Kariem McFarlin, a 35-year-old Alameda resident, gave Kahn a silver 64GB that was stolen out of the Waverley Street home on July 17. McFarlin also allegedly gave another iPad to his daughter, and both devices were returned to the Jobs family after McFarlin was arrested on Aug. 2, police said.

Government Impedes Kid From Starting – Podcast

So is denying his statements on ‘you didn’t build that’.  We set the record straight here.

Plus, with all of this talk about ‘you didn’t build’ this or that, I thought it was funny that government in not only didn’t help a young entrepreneur … they shut him down.  Just like they shut down thousands of lemonade stands throughout the US.

Government doesn’t help you create a , it impedes it.  And we don’t have business because of government roads and bridges.  We have roads and bridges because of business.



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Student Denied Because People Cheered For Him, Mother For At – Podcast

We discussed students being victimized by school officials who are jealous of their popularity at graduation.

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