Wednesday, Nov. 18 – Hour 3

Indiana House leader wants to make pseudoephedrine available by prescription only to fight meth –

The top Republican in the Indiana House says he believes doctor’s prescriptions should be required for cold medications containing a drug that’s often used in making methamphetamine.

Utah Prosecutor Says He’s Investigating Sen. Harry Reid in Pay-to-Play Probe |

A county prosecutor in Utah says he’s investigating Nevada Sen. in connection with an ongoing probe into a pay-to- scheme involving two former Utah attorneys general.

John Kasich Files ‘Equal Time’ Request Over Donald Trump’s ‘SNL’ Appearance |

Republican presidential hopeful Gov. John Kasich (Ohio) filed an equal opportunity request Tuesday with the Federal Communications Commission over GOP rival Donald Trump’s “Saturday Night Live” appearance earlier this month.

Dana White accurately describes Bernie Sanders as a “lunatic socialist” – MFP

It’s kind of a long story.

Biometric Trigger Guard Developed by Air Force Vets Who Say It’s Not a Smart Gun: ‘Smart Guns Don’t Solve What We’re Trying to Solve’ |

“We wanted something that never actually left handgun. The slide retracts forward and moves forward in front of trigger guard, allows access for you to physically insert finger into trigger well,” Gerrond said of how the device unlocks.


Monday, Nov. 16 – Hour 1

The latest details on the terrorist attacks in Paris, France

Gov. Pence and Gov. Snyder join others in stopping Syrian migrants from being settled in their states

West was warned about terrorist attack

‘Mastermind’ of Paris attacks was responsible for failed train attack stopped by Americans

Did terrorists use a PS4 to plan attack on French theater

German authorities say they can’t tell the difference between real and fake Syrian passport

How the US is ‘vetting’ Syrian migrants


Monday, Nov. 16 – Hour 2

Black Lives Matter and #Mizzou protesters are really upset terrorist attacks in Paris took attention away from them.

#F**kFrance hashtag used by #BlackLivesMatter and #Mizzou protesters

Democratic high … er … lowlights

Charlie Sheen rumored to be actor behind HIV scare in porn industry

Big government oppressors perplexed their soda and sugar taxes haven’t curbed obesity


Amish Says Unconstitutional To Require To Buy Gun

This is a great story!

An man has filed a alleging that requiring a to buy a is unconstitutional. He says it violates his 1st Amendment religious rights (Amish aren’t supposed to have their picture taken), and thus violates his 2nd Amendment rights since he can’t buy a gun without a photo ID.

This is the first half of the segment I did on this topic, and includes caller Greg. Greg’s comments set off a firestorm of text messages on this issue.

You can get the link to the story from the Daily Show Prep here.

You can also listen to the full hour long discussion here.

If you are listening specifically to hear Greg’s call, it starts at 10:50 into the .


Show Prep: Mon, Oct. 12

Politically Speaking – Gun Control/Rights

The recent shooting at an Oregon community college leaves many Michiana residents wondering if it could happen here. Our panel joins us to discuss violence & the ongoing over .

Elkhart County Sheriff Brad Rogers would not enforce gun registration executive order – Elkhart Truth

If President Barack Obama were to issue an executive order that requires law enforcement agencies to register guns, Elkhart County’s sheriff said he would not enforce it.

Obama admin bans pork products from federal prisons – you’ll be FURIOUS when you hear why | BizPac Review

The Obama administration has bacon, pork chops, pork links, ham and all other pork products from all federal prisons.

Shopper fires gun in Elkhart Big R parking lot after seeing alleged shoplifting, police say – Elkhart Truth

Police say a shopper fired a gun in an Elkhart store’s parking lot after he or she saw another person shoplifting at the location.

Harry Reid Lawsuit Against Exercise Band Manufacturer ‘Opens the Doors’ To His Bathroom, Medical and Bank Records – Breitbart

Sen. (D-NV)2% filed a against the manufacturer of an that he claims “broke or slipped” while “mounted to a sturdy object in his bathroom” as he used it on January 1, causing injuries that blinded him in one eye

Oregon school suspends 8th-grader over battlefield cross T-shirt | Fox News

An Oregon middle school cracked down last week on a student who showed up in a that said, “Standing for those who stood for us.”

Counselling services at college have doubled because of ‘neediness’, claims Peter Gray | Daily Mail Online

One sought help after her roommate called her a ‘b**ch’ while two others saw a counselor because there was a mouse in their off-campus apartment.

Podcast: We Are A Nation Of Children – The Burning Truth

This is a flashback to April 2, 2015.

Report: Zimbabwe will not charge Walter Palmer in Cecil the lion killing

But on Monday she told reporters in Harare that Palmer can now safely return to as a “tourist” because he had not broken the southern African country’s hunting laws. She said the police and the National Prosecuting Authority had cleared Palmer of wrongdoing.

University Gets Rid Of Transgender Bathrooms After Peeping Incident – The Burning Truth

If only they’d listened to a certain radio host … ahem … who’d told them this was going to happen.

Government Wastes $60,000 On Play About Gay President Fighting Zombies – The Burning Truth

Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) highlighted the grant for “Zombie: The American” in his running series meant to expose wasteful spending.

Skateboarder hospitalized with serious head injury after being struck by vehicle –

A 19 year-old man on a skateboard suffered a serious head injury after being struck by a vehicle.

VIDEO=> MIZZOU Student BURNS ISIS FLAG ON CAMPUS While CROWD Chants “USA! USA!” – The Gateway Pundit


Podcast: School’s Policy Is Exactly Why People Did Nothing When Man Was Murdered On A Train

I know, that sounds like a bold statement, but it’s true.

This time I’m not talking about some stupid policy that requires kids to be hauled away in handcuffs because their pastry looks like a . This time it’s about punishing the good samaritan to comes to the aid of a victim of violence.

My whole career I’ve highlighted that schools brainwash kids into thinking they don’t have the right of self-defense. Something that is not only fundamentally contradictory to our legal system, but unnatural. We are born with the right of self-defense and self-preservation … period … end of story. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the streets, our home, the battlefield or school.

The brainwashing starts immediately with the school repeatedly saying “you don’t hit” even if you are hit first. “Come tell a teacher,” they say. A stance so devoid of reality that it should be mocked mercilessly, but it’s also dangerous.

is the kid who stepped up and defended a kid being physically assaulted at school. Cody has been hailed as a hero by society. Not the case in the sheltered, impractical realm of academia. The school Cody, and kicked him off the football team. The school claims they have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for violence of any kind, and Cody violated that policy.

A dangerous, ignorance mindset like that is more common than you’d think. There are countless examples of it in our society. The notion that you aren’t permitted to defend yourself, or others, is rampant.

No other case proves this more perfectly than the recent murder on a DC Metro train. A man attempted to rob another man, the victim resisted, the thug then attacked. The victim screamed for help on a packed train car, no one helped. The thug then pulled out a knife, and started stabbing the victim dozens of times, no one helped, the victim lay lifeless on the train, no one helped, the thug then turned to the other passengers who’d refused to help, and robbed them too.

That’s what is teaching by punishing Cody.

Exit question before the :

If they have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy against all violence, even the defense of the innocent, then would they dare confront a mass shooter to protect students?