Wednesday, June 8 – Hour 1 Podcast

South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg, Factually Incorrect About Minimum Wage | The Burning Truth

If you adjusted for inflation the from when it was actually established, it would only be $4.19 an hour. Not $10.10 an hour.

Controversies – FDA Warns of Deadly Anti-Diarrhea Drug Abuse – AllGov – News

The agency has received 31 reports of people hospitalized due to the heart problems, including 10 deaths over the last 39 years. The agency’s database is not comprehensive and many drug overdoses are not reported to the government.

Dad Sells Pothead Kid’s SUV | LifeZette

The ad says, “He thinks it’s cool to drive around smokin’ dope and acting all thug … especially not showing me and my wife the respect we deserve.”

Wednesday, June 8 – Hour 3 Podcast

Mike Rowe Drops a Truth Bomb on Millennials: ‘Don’t Follow Your Passion’ | Truth Revolt

Recent graduates across the country have received an earful of accolades and encouragement to follow their passions from the likes of Matt Damon and even Barack and Michelle Obama. But blue-collar champion and star Mike Rowe has an altogether different message in an online of his own: “Don’t follow your passion.”


Wednesday, June 8 – Hour 2 Podcast

‘Equality’ Conference Bans Straight White Men | Truth Revolt

FDA issues sweeping regulations for e-cigarettes for first time

The 499-page final rule would require regulatory reviews for electronic cigarettes, cigars, and other products that went on sale after Feb. 15, 2007, unless the manufacturers can prove to the#FDA that they’re “substantially equivalent” to products that were already being sold or that there is some other reason they should be exempt.

Oh My God, Chewbacca Masks Are Now Targets For Racial Commentary – Matt Vespa

One could argue that maybe a tuition-free ride to college is a tad much for a viral video, but, alas, the racial commentary has to take a front-and-center role in ruining everyone’s fun because that’s what liberals do. Remind everyone to stop having a good time because we’re all racists, sexists, and misogynists whether we know it or not. Oh, and they will try to make a race commentary over everything. The latest victim seems to be a Chewbacca Star Wars mask:

Chewbacca Mom is charging ‘fans’ for photos now

According to TMZ, Chewbacca Mom (real name Candace Payne) sold autographs at the Fan Expo. Her booth was apparently next to Jack Gleeson, aka King Joffrey from “Game of Thrones.” The difference between the two? Gleeson achieved a career in television and film because of talent and hard work. Chewbacca Mom laughed at a piece of plastic she bought at Kohl’s.

“The history of unpopular people,” or why free speech is so important

– Holy Kaw!

Free speech has been a common topic of conversation recently, given the political climate in the United States. This video digs into the issues from a rational (read: Australian) perspective.

Wednesday, June 8 – Hour 1 Podcast

South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg, Factually Incorrect About Minimum Wage | The Burning Truth

If you adjusted for inflation the from when it was actually established, it would only be $4.19 an hour. Not $10.10 an hour.

Controversies – FDA Warns of Deadly Anti-Diarrhea Drug Abuse – AllGov – News

The agency has received 31 reports of people hospitalized due to the heart problems, including 10 deaths over the last 39 years. The agency’s database is not comprehensive and many drug overdoses are not reported to the government.

Dad Sells Pothead Kid’s SUV | LifeZette

The ad says, “He thinks it’s cool to drive around smokin’ dope and acting all thug … especially not showing me and my wife the respect we deserve.”

Tuesday, June 7 – Hour 3 Podcast


Clinton clinches Democratic nomination

Hillary Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee in a surprise development on Monday, making her the first woman ever to win a major party’s presidential nomination one day before she was expected to cross the threshold.

State Dept Will Release Clinton Emails On A Nonexistent Day | The Daily Caller

International Business Times reported Monday that it had made a Freedom of Information Act request to the for Hillary Clinton’s emails concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a controversial free-trade deal. Initially, the State Department said those emails would be available by April 2016. After that deadline flew by with no emails in sight, the Department updated its prediction, saying the emails wouldn’t be available until an estimated date of Nov. 31, 2016.

Brock Turner Is a Rapist, His Dad Is Wrong, and Justice Is Elusive – Hit & Run :

Who is ? He’s the former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an incapacitated woman behind a dumpster after a fraternity party in 2015. Turner raped her after she passed out from drinking, then fled the scene when two Swedish students caught him in the act. Turner did not get away—the Swedes chased him down, and he was arrested, charged, and convicted of three separate offenses.

Recall Effort Launched Against Judge Aaron Persky in Stanford Rape Case – NBC News

Turner was once an Olympic hopeful. Persky, who also attended Stanford, was captain of the school’s lacrosse team when he was an undergraduate and also helped coach the lacrosse team while attending Berkeley law school, according to biographical information he supplied in 2002 to the League of Women Voters of California.

Brewing Beer At Home Just Got Easier Than Ever Before — Meet The Future Of Homemade Beer Brewing

Tuesday, June 7 – Hour 2 Podcast

Yes, and fauxmentary crew violated federal gun laws.


Katie Couric’s Producer Confirms Her Team Skirted Federal Gun Laws

“While it may seem hard to believe that one could buy these types of guns this easily, all purchases in the film were made completely legally. Arizona law allows out-of-state residents to buy long guns (i.e. rifles, shotguns, military style assault rifles) from a private seller without a background check. It also allows Arizona residents to buy handguns from a private seller without a background check.

Bill Kristol Now Encouraging Lindsey Graham To Run For President | The Daily Caller

In the wake of Sen. Lindsey Graham revoking his endorsement of Donald Trump and David French surrendering before even running, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol is now encouraging Graham to resume his run for president.

Michigan fuel line rupture repaired in Van Buren County; cleanup continues –

Officials say repairs have been completed to a diesel fuel line in southwestern Michiganthat was accidentally ruptured by a farmer using an excavating machine to clear trees.

Indiana sees 70 percent surge in syphilis cases in 1 year –

State health officials are urging Indiana‘s health care providers to aggressively test patients for syphilis after the state’s syphilis Indiana sees 70 percent surge in syphilis cases in 1 yearcases surged 70 percent in a single year.

People are spending much less time on social media apps: Report

People are spending less time on apps, in some cases substantially less, a new study from marketing intelligence firm SimilarWeb found.