Tuesday, August 2 – Hour 3 Podcast

Islamic State Answers Pope Francis: Ours Is a Religious War and We Hate You

The terror group has come out to reject Pope Francis’ claims that the war being waged by Islamic terrorists is not religious.

ISIS details 'Why We Hate You' in new magazine | Fox News

In the new edition of its full-color, glossy , mocks those in the “Islam-is-a-peaceful-religion crowd” for asserting the terror group does not represent Islam, and even wades into the controversy surrounding and the parents of a dead Muslim U.S. soldier.

Fox News FOX
THEY'RE WATCHING: ISIS Magazine Says Captain Khan, Mentioned at DNC, Deserved Death

Their savvy PR team uses a quote from Muhammad to threaten U.S. Muslim servicemen.

Israeli company shows interest in making Trump's US-Mexico border wall a reality

Trump sparked outrage in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern US border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for the construction.

Related  Chief Wasserman Schultz Will Be Keynote Speaker At Muslim Group With Islamist Ties Fundraiser…
 The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com THE JERUSALEM POST | JPOST.COM
New Program Could Be Coming To Your Elementary School, Parents Are Pissed

When dealing with the public education of the children of this country, revising the curriculum is nothing new. However, what one group of so-called activists wants to add to elementary schools across the nation is a little unsettling, and parents are not handling it well. After you see what could be coming to your child’s…

Hillary Says 7 Infuriating Words To Military K9 Handler, Proves Who She Is

The that is portrayed in public is a far different Hillary than the one described by people who have had interactions with her without cameras rolling. A few days ago, one veteran U.S. handler posted his personal experience of meeting Hillary during a special security detail. His story is even more…


Tuesday, August 2 – Hour 2 Podcast

Legislator plans to propose law about threatening police

McNamara announced plans to propose a bill next year that would make it a to threaten a specific law enforcement agency and other emergency personnel.

The ‘s student body vice-president, Rohini Sethi, has received severe sanctions over posting on Facebook. The Facebook post that got Sethi in hot water reads in full:”Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.” [RELATED: University of Houston BLM demands student leader resigns over ‘all lives matter’ post] Sethi’s punishment includes a 50-day suspension beginning…

Related  Daily : Monday, August 1
hypeline.org HYPELINE.ORG

A total of 4,279 Americans renounced their citizenship over the duration of 2015 – which was the third consecutive year to set a new annual record. The total number of expatriates for this year is at 1,666, according to data published on Friday, just below the 1,795 who renounced their citizenship during the same period in 2015. The consistent…

hypeline.org HYPELINE.ORG

Tuesday, August 2 – Hour 1

Governor Mike Pence Handles Question From Gold Star Mom Fantastically - The Burning Truth

Governor was asked a question by a mom at a townhall. His response was masterful, and proves he was the right choice as Trump’s VP.

Disingenuous, Sanctimonious, Hypocritical Media Attacking Trump Over Khan Feud - The Burning Truth

Media coverage of the Trump/Khan feud is about as dishonest as it gets. The media chooses to elevate certain Gold Star families above others over .

Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

Mainstream media figures from the New York Times to the Huffington Post to CNN are apoplectic Monday as their latest attack on Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for president, has crumbled yet again under the slightest bit of scrutiny.

BREAKING: Trump Basher Khizr Khan DELETES Law Firm's "Pay-for-Play" Website

Democrats, the liberal media and #NeverTrumpers criticized for responding to Muslim ‘s attacks at the Convention. …


Monday, August 1 – Hour 3 Podcast

FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack

The FBI warned the Clinton campaign that it was a target of a cyberattack last March, just weeks before the Democratic National Committee discovered it had been penetrated by hackers it now believes were working for Russian intelligence, two sources who have been briefed on the matter told Yahoo

Ghostbot Will Automatically End a Bad Relationship for You - EpicTimes

If you are someone who hates conflict and would rather not have to deal with the hassle of a break up, the Ghostbot app is perfect for you.

Related  Man who killed court bailiffs was a regular school volunteer – News
Oh, Japan: Underarm Fan Clips To Short Sleeves To Keep Your Pits Cool And Dry

This is the $24 Thanko Under the Armpit Cooling Device available from the Japan Trend Shop (so it’ll cost $48 for two unless you only have a single problem-pit). It’s a little three AAA battery powered fan than clips…


Just before the second anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown, a coalition of over 60 organizations affiliated with the movement have officially released a list of demands they hope to be fulfilled. The coalition has called for new policing and criminal justice reforms in an agenda filled with many more…

hypeline.org HYPELINE.ORG

Monday, August 1 – Hour 2 Podcast

‘Babylon 5' Star, KDWN host, Jerry Doyle Dead at 60

Jerry Doyle — best known for his role … Read More

kdwn.com KDWN.COM
DOJ Watchdog Issues Report Finding Sanctuary Cities, States Illegal

The Inspector General for the DOJ waited almost two months to release a report that finds that sanctuary and state are violating the law.

New Statistics: Enforcement Continues Decline in 2016

ICE deportations continue to decline this year and are on pace to be the lowest since 2006, according to the latest ICE statistics.

Center for Immigration Studies CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES

Monday, August 1 – Hour 1 Podcast

New Bedford's Former Mayor Questions Clinton's NB Story

Ken Pittman: Hillary insulted and lied about New Bedford.

WBSM - New Bedford's Local Source For News, Talk, and Sports! WBSM – NEW BEDFORD’S LOCAL SOURCE FOR , TALK, AND SPORTS!
Hillary Contradicts FBI's Comey on Email Scandal - Claims Emails In Question Were Classified 'Retroactively' - Breitbart

Hillary Contradicts FBI’s Comey on Email Scandal — Claims Emails In Question Were Classified ‘Retroactively’

Hillary: FBI Director Comey Said My Answers Were Truthful, Consistent

appeared on Fox News for an extended interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday. Wallace turned the conversation to the scandal and FBI investigation surrounding her use of a private, homebrewed email server to conduct State Department business. Wallace declared, “After a long investigation, FBI Director James Comey said…

Study: Four of Five Criminals Acquire Guns Illegally

A study shows four of five criminals get guns illegally and one of five gets them legally, prior to building up a criminal record.

Report: Veterans Affairs Drops $20 million on Art Collection

The federal Department of Veterans Affairs blew through at least $20 million during a decade when the veterans seeking care.

Related  Prince died of opioid overdose – News