Thursday, September 29 – Hour 2 Podcast

Investigators may probe Cascade Mall suspect’s citizenship status, voting record |

Federal sources confirm to KING 5 that Cetin was not a U.S. citizen, meaning legally he cannot vote. However, state records show Cetin registered to vote in 2014 and participated in three election cycles, including the May presidential primary.

DHS Official: Some Refugees Allowed in Based on Testimony Alone

Senior Homeland Security official León Rodríguez admitted Thursday that some are allowed into the United States based solely on their testimony to authorities.

Google Self-Driving Car in Crash: Like Always, Humans at Fault – Hit & Run :

A vehicle was traveling northbound on Phyllis Ave. in Mountain View when a car heading westbound on El Camino Real ran a red light and collided with the right side of our vehicle.


Thursday, September 29 – Hour 1 Podcast

Guy Puts Beef On Conveyor Belt, Shocked At What Clerk Does In Front Of Him

NAACP Says Black Cops Are Not Real Black People ⋆ Freedom Daily

“Many black people who become become blue, not black. In order for you to survive in a police department, you take on the police department’s ideology, ways of life, and culture,” said an representative.

Occam’s Butterknife: Black Pre-K Teachers Found Guilty of Racist Implicit Bias | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

A new study shows that African American early educators hold students of the same race to a higher discipline standard.

Interview: From Talks In South Bend

Downtown ‘s initiative is being peddled as an awesome project by Mayor Buttigieg. The Mayor is also saying businesses aren’t suffering, and are happy with the project. We haven’t been hearing that at all. We’ve heard from several businesses in that Smart Streets have been business crushing, and the Mayor’s administration isn’t supporting them.

from wanted to come on the show to address what small businesses are going through in downtown South Bend during the Smart Streets project.