Monday, 28 – Hour 1 Podcast

Ohio State University assailant dead and multiple people injured at Columbus campus | Daily Mail Online

Abdul Artan, 18, has been identified as the assailant behind a stabbing attack at OSU’s Columbus campus

Police Believe Ohio State Slasher a Somali Refugee | LifeZette

In early October, ISIS called on its followers to engage in a “ of knife attacks” in the West, and it appears that ‘s attack could very well be the result of one radical Muslim’s taking that call to heart.

Donald Trump to inherit ‘weak’ Army, military too small to win major wars, report finds – Washington Times

The Washington think tank that helped forge the defense views of President-elect Donald Trump says in a report that the armed forces are too small to win major wars.

Jimmy Kimmel Hilariously Lampoons Political Correctness And SJWs With Ridiculous Thanksgiving Pageant

Jimmy Kimmel skewered social justice warriors and their virtue signaling with the first-ever “politically correct Thanksgiving pageant.” The now allegedly controversial story of Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a meal together was altered to not offend the perpetually offended. “So we thought it might be a good idea to update the story of Thanksgiving to reflect our modern sensitivities,” Kimmel explained.

Fake news quickly spread again with the CNN Porn scare – HYPELINE

Like the sites didn’t question it almost at all. The NY Post even had its headline “CNN accidentally airs transsexual porn on Thanksgiving” without even potentially including room for doubt there.


Monday, 21 – Hour 2 Podcast

Gold Star family of slain Stockton soldier booed on flight

Several passengers in first class began to boo and complain, Perry said.

Brady Campaign Honors Katie Couric for Discredited Gun Control Documentary – Breitbart

Yet the Brady awarded Couric a “Bear Award” for the documentary. PEOPLE magazine reported the award without any mention of the “misleading” edits or the defamation suit. Rather, they said, “Couric was also honored for her gun violence prevention film, Under the Gun.”

The Lowe’s robots are finally here and we don’t know how to feel about them – Rare

While the robots are designed to help shoppers in multiple languages, one of the main responsibilities of the LoweBot is to “constantly monitor inventory.” The female voice of the roaming electronic associate sounds eerily similar to ones used in corny 80s films.

Loyola Maryland: ‘America’ Party Is Too Offensive | The Daily Caller

Student government leaders at Loyola University Maryland faced a barrage of pressure from the university administration to change the theme of a senior class party described as “very alienating, divisive and harmful” and against the university’s “core values,” according to emails provided to The Daily Caller. The theme? America.

Two students admit to vandalizing Griffin Hall on Saturday — The Williams Record

On Saturday morning, two students vandalized Griffin Hall to bring attention to the potential impact of the presidential election on campus.


Monday, 21 – Hour 1 Podcast


Hamilton actor: “There’s nothing to apologize for” after Pence call-out – 95.3 MNC

Actor Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr in the celebrated musical, told “CBS This Morning” on that “there’s nothing to apologize for.” Dixon gave Vice President-elect an onstage earful about equality at the end of Friday’s performance.

The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!

Notre Dame assured of losing season, no bowl game with loss to Virginia Tech – 95.3 MNC

It marked the third time this season the Irish (4-7) squandered a double-digit lead.

Fires break out at Notre Dame Stadium concession stands prior to game – 95.3 MNC

University of Notre Dame officials say two minor fires were extinguished at concession stands in the football stadium prior to a game.

Same Old Story for Notre Dame, Brian Kelly //

Brian Kelly’s team doubled-down and managed to do something that has not been done in South Bend in 56 years: fail to win two games in a row for an entire season.  There really isn’t a better way to juxtapose the high expectations of this football team heading into September to the reality of how low Notre Dame has truly sunk this season.

Texans, Raiders won’t be able to breathe in Mexico City, ex-USMNT player says

“They [will] break a record for how many oxygen masks they have on the sidelines,” he continued. “The combination of being that high up with pollution is just devastating to the body.”

Houston Texans give their players safety warnings before leaving for Mexico

The Texans distributed a memo on Wednesday that was a page long, giving them instructions on what to do and not do in Mexico as they travel to face the Oakland Raiders. The Associated Press obtained the memo. Included in the memo was a bullet point: “DO NOT leave the hotel.”

Patrons Sick At What Restaurant Hid Under Flap For Certain People Like Them


Internalized Misogyny Has Casey Concerned About – Podcast

Hillary Clinton’s communication’s director claimed that Hillary failed to win over in the election because white women are suffering from ‘,’ and just can’t bring themselves to vote for a woman because they “don’t want to see a woman in that position of power.”


Given that, apparently, white women are the only demographic of women who suffer from ‘internalized misogyny,’ Casey is deeply concerned about the white women in his audience.

How did they come to have this affliction? Is there a cure?

Casey spoke to several white women listeners to address this problem, and how best to go about fixing these poor, broken white women.