Monday, December 19 – Hour 1 Podcast

Guilty plea in Lake County Sheriff’s Department bribery case – 95.3 MNC

The second-in-command at the Lake County Sheriff’s Department has pleaded guilty to wire fraud in a bribery case in which the sheriff and a tow truck operator also are charged.

Indiana lawmakers want to join 30 other states in DNA datatbase – 95.3 MNC

The Evansville Courier and Press reports the bill would allow DNA samples collected after June 30, 2017, to be uploaded to the existing database. Vanderburgh County prosecutor Nicholas Hermann says DNA is useful in investigating and prosecuting cases and that the bill will help Indiana catch up technologically.

At least 9 dead after truck plows into crowded Christmas market in Berlin; attack believed | Fox News

A truck plowed into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday killing at least nine people and injuring more than 50 people, police said.

German School In Turkey Bans Christmas | The Daily Caller

A school in Istanbul financed by the German government has informed teachers that traditional Christmas celebrations have been canceled.

Russian ambassador to Turkey Andrei Karlov shot dead in Ankara – BBC News

A Turkish policeman has shot dead Russia’s ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, apparently in protest at Russia’s involvement in Aleppo.


Tuesday, December 13 – Hour 3 Podcast

The Good and the Bad of 2016 – HYPELINE

New spider species discovered in Indiana | Local |

A new species of spider has been discovered living among leaf litter in Johnson County. Just what arachnophobes need — a new spider to spook them.

Student suspended for Confederate flag clothing –, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports

Can a hair salon sink wash be a stroke risk? – BBC News

Doctors who treated him said it was likely to have been a case of “beauty parlour syndrome” – which can occur when the neck is over-extended.

What Voter Fraud? Michigan Recount Uncovers Too Many Votes in 37% of Detroit Precincts

“There’s always going to be small problems to some degree, but we didn’t expect the degree of problem we saw in Detroit. This isn’t normal,”


Tuesday, December 13 – Hour 2 Podcast

Rep Tulsi Gabbard introduces the “Stop Arming Terrorists Law” – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

The hope of the sponsors is that this bill, like the Boland Amendment of the Iran-Contra situation, will put an end to the arming of factions that are counterproductive.

Watch: Celebrations in Aleppo for Assad’s victory over city | JerusalemOnline

Images out of Aleppo show locals celebrating Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regained control of the city after four years following Russian Air Force strikes against rebel strongholds. Any remaining rebels found in the city are being executed by Syrian soldiers.

Video by JerusalemOnline

Court: You Can’t File For Divorce On Facebook | The Daily Caller

Manal Qaza is seeking a divorce from her husband Abdulla Ashalabi, who left her in 2011 while she was six months pregnant. She has attempted to contact her husband through family members, private investigators, and public records. Qaza believes Ashalabi was deported and is currently living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.