Tuesday, January 31 – Hour 1 Podcast

FLASHBACK: Schumer: Refugee pause may be necessary | TheHill

Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.), the third ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Tuesday said it may be necessary to halt the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States.

Twitter Is Reminding Schumer About a Tweet He Sent in 2015 Regarding National Security – Cortney O’Brien

In the light of Schumer’s emotional speech, Twitter users are reminding the senator about a tweet he sent in February of 2015 – one which is now terribly awkward.

We must tighten loopholes in the Visa Waiver prgm, ensure passports can’t be faked & stop terrorists who want to exploit the system.

Dem Rep Backtracks After Twitter Screed Backfires | The Daily Caller

Esty’s co-sponsored Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 prevented members of 38 countries to enter the U.S. for less than 90 days. The law prevented anyone from obtaining a visa into the country if they had visited any of the countries on the list within the last five years.

Interviewer: In 2011 President Obama banned people from Iraq—did that not concern you?

Protester: No because I loved President Obama.

Trump Working With Foreign Leaders to Establish ‘Safe Zones’ for Refugees – Cortney O’Brien

In his call with Saudi King Salman, the president “requested, and the king agreed to support, safe zones in Syria and Yemen, as well as supporting other ideas to help the many refugees who are displaced by the ongoing conflicts,” the White House said.

Trump fires acting attorney general: “betrayed” – Axios

In a stunning turn in a four-day drama that has defined his young presidency, President Trump, at 9:16 p.m. Monday, announced the firing of the acting attorney general who had defied him on his migrant-travel ban, saying she “has betrayed the Department of Justice.”


Monday, January 30 – Hour 3 Podcast




French And Iraqi Forces Discover ISIS CHEMICAL WEAPONS Arsenal In Mosul

Iran tests ballistic missile in defiance of UN resolution, US officials say | Fox News

Iran conducted its first ballistic missile test under Donald Trump’s presidency, in yet another apparent violation of a United Nations resolution, U.S. officials told Fox on Monday.

House Democrats to roll out their own road funding plan – WOWO 1190 AM | 107.5 FM

Minority Leader Scott Pelath isn’t ruling out a gasoline tax hike, as long as the pain at the pump is shared. Democrats have already suggested canceling the repeal of the inheritance tax and the phase-in of corporate tax cuts.


Monday, January 30 – Hour 2 Podcast

“What Happens When Doctors Only Take Cash”? Everybody, Especially Patients, Wins – Hit & Run : Reason.com

The Surgery Center would charge $19,000 for [patient Art Villa’s] whole-knee replacement, a discount of nearly 50% on what Villa expected to be charged at his local hospital. And that price would include everything from airfare to the organization’s only facility, in Oklahoma City, to medications and physical therapy. If unforeseen complications arose during or after the procedure, the Surgery Center would cover those costs. Villa wouldn’t see another bill.

Lawmakers eye background check expansion for teachers

Indiana lawmakers are proposing a significant expansion of background checks on school employees during this year’s legislative session.

Nikki Haley Tells United Nations: “For Those Who Don’t Have Our Backs… WE’RE TAKING NAMES” (Video)

“For those that don’t have our back, we’re taking names, we will make points to respond to that accordingly,”

Mystery death of ex-KGB chief linked to MI6 spy’s dossier on Donald Trump

Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the KGB and its successor the FSB, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day in mysterious circumstances.


Monday, January 30 – Hour 1 Podcast

Hah-Hah! POTUS TRUMP Mocks Weepy Chuck Schumer’s Public Meltdown

And Chuck Schumer is in tears.

protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer. Secretary Kelly said that all is going well with very few problems. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!

CNN Actual Headline: ‘134,000,000 People Banned from US’ by Trump

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban ‘legally’ | TheHill

14.9K   Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said in an interview on Saturday that President Trump had previously asked him about legally implementing a “Muslim ban.”

After listening to this interview with Rudy, it sure seems like these headlines are misleading at best.

THOUSANDS Of Green Cards Are Missing | The Daily Caller

The USCIS in the last three years received more than 200,000 reports from approved applicants claiming their cards were never delivered, the IG found. Monday’s audit — a follow-up to a March IG report saying USCIS officials sent hundreds of green cards to the wrong addresses — revealed “the problem was far worse than originally thought,” the IG said.

Trump’s immigration executive order: Separating fact from sickening media fiction

FLASHBACK: 580 Terror Convictions in U.S. Since 9/11, 380 Are Foreign-Born

“Using this list, the Subcommittee conducted open-source research and determined that at least 380 of the 580 were foreign-born (71 were confirmed natural-born, and the remaining 129 are not known),” Sessions’ committee uncovered. “Of the 380 foreign-born, at least 24 were initially admitted to the United States as refugees, and at least 33 had overstayed their visas. Additionally, of those born abroad, at least 62 were from Pakistan, 28 were from Lebanon, 22 were Palestinian, 21 were from Somalia, 20 were from Yemen, 19 were from Iraq, 16 were from Jordan, 17 were from Egypt, and 10 were from Afghanistan.”


Friday, January 27 – Hour 2 Podcast

Disappointed Hatchimal owner files lawsuit against Spin Master

California city councilman sworn in holding Captain America shield – UPI.com

A newly elected city councilman in California paid tribute to one of his heroes by holding a replica Captain America shield as he was sworn in.

Fake Netflix App: Full Story Of Mobile Device Malware

A fake Netflix app has been discovered by cybersecurity experts, with app features that can take over your device and spy on you.  The device gives strangers access to your phone’s camera, microphone, and messages, which allows them to do all sorts of things, including allowing them to take nude photos and listen to your conversations. Talk about big brother.

Inspector General Probes Obama Cyberattacks | The Daily Caller

Federal officials have launched an investigation into why the Department of Homeland Security hacked into the Georgia state governmental network, including its election system, The Daily Caller Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Gallup Poll: Obama Approval Rating Lower Than Nixon, Bush

Obama is behind Richard Nixon, who resigned from office, and George W. Bush, who had an approval rating drop to 25 percent toward the end of his term, CNS News reported.

#CalExit: State OKs ‘California Nation’ to Collect Signatures

California Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Thursday that a ballot initiative called “California Nation” has been approved by the state to begin collecting signatures to qualify for the 2018 ballot.