Tuesday, February 7 – Hour 2 Podcast

California Dem Wants Students to Learn Russians Elected Trump

In a statement about his pending bill, the “Pravda Act of 2017,” Assemblyman Marc Levine (D-Marin County) wrote, “The work of 17 intelligence agencies including the FBI and CIA confirmed Russian interference in our election. This is a threat to our democracy and must be treated with appropriate significance in American history.”

#Tucker to @MarcLevine_CA: Why should politicians be involved in crafting textbooks? – TCT @FoxNews

FLASHBACK (TO YESTERDAY): Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 6 – The Burning Truth

Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.

ATF: 21st Century Suppressor Regulations are ‘Archaic’ – Breitbart

In the past several years, opinions about silencers have changed across the United States. Their use to reduce noise at shooting ranges and applications within the sporting and hunting industry are now well recognized. At present, 42 states generally allow silencers to be used for sporting purposes. The wide acceptance of silencers and corresponding changes in state laws have created substantial demand across the country. This surge in demand has caused ATF to have a significant backlog on silencer applications. ATF’s processing time is now approximately 8 months.

Flight attendant’s instinct stops case of human smuggling | WTSP.com

“She wrote on the note she needed help,”

BREAKING: Army Approves Dakota Access Pipeline – Christine Rousselle

The Army Corps of Engineers will grant a permit to begin building the Dakota Access Pipeline, the controversial pipeline that saw months of protests with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota. Under the Obama administration, the Army Corps of Engineers was required to complete an environmental study prior to the pipeline approval–and this study has now been abandoned.

CONFUSION: Maxine Waters claims Putin ‘continuing to advance into Korea’ – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

Korea, Crimea, what’s the difference, besides spellings, cultures and continents?

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Thinks GEORGE BUSH Is Still PRESIDENT?

During a press conference on Monday, Nancy Pelosi said “We’ve seen nothing where we can where — where I can work with President Bush on.”

Tuesday, February 7 – Hour 1 Podcast

Betsy DeVos wins confirmation as education secretary – Washington Times

Flexing their slim majority, Republicans powered President Trump’s education secretary nominee through the Senate on Tuesday, with Vice President Mike Pence casting his first vote to break the tie and officially confirm Betsy DeVos.

Winning! Coffee Company Responds To Starbucks’ Plan To Hire Refugees, Pledges To Hire 10,000 Veterans!


aj on Twitter: “84 lumber YOU just committed corporate suicide! i am canceling my 25k order- AJ- owner of Stillwater Dream homes! https://t.co/biQ4XHwJEX”

84 lumber YOU just committed corporate suicide! i am canceling my 25k order-
AJ- owner of Stillwater Dream homes!

TV Brand Vizio Caught Spying On Customers, To Pay $2.2 Mil. | The Daily Caller

Vizio, one of the world’s largest manufacturers and sellers of Internet-connected “smart” televisions, is agreeing to pay $2.2 million to settle a lawsuit after it was accused of secretly collecting customers’ viewing data and personal information.


Monday, February 7 – Hour 2 Podcast

Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data | The Daily Caller

Bates said NOAA scientists made a “blatant attempt to intensify the impact” of global warming to eliminate the “pause” in temperature rise since 1998. The Daily Mail claims Bates showed it “irrefutable” evidence NOAA’s study relied on “unverified” data.

NOAA To ‘Review’ Claims Of Manipulated Climate Research | The Daily Caller

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said it will “review” allegations by a former scientist that researchers rushed a study claiming the world was warming faster than previously thought to influence policymakers.

DELINGPOLE: NOAA Scandal Gives Trump Excuse To Drain Climate Swamp

This reported on how NOAA had refused to give up its documents in response to a subpoena by Rep Lamar Smith (R-Texas) who also smelt a rat – and just needed some raw data to prove it.

FLASHBACK: Re-writing The Climate History of Iceland | Energy Matters

In the 1960s, Iceland (and the whole N Atlantic) experienced a run of very cold years caused by extreme atmospheric pressure differentials linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Many of these cold records appear to have been systematically deleted in V3.1 with the effect of all but removing this well-documented event from Icelandic climate history. Following the end of the Little Ice Age, Iceland experienced rapid warming in the 1920s reaching near “record warmth” in 1939. This near record warmth has also been written out of Icelandic climatic history by adjusting the temperature records down, leaving the false impression that 2003 was an anomalously warm year.

Indiana Democrats push their own road funding plan – 95.3 MNC

Under the plan shared Monday, House Democrats would freeze corporate and high-income tax cuts, put revenue from the existing sales tax on gasoline toward infrastructure and allow a trust fund to be used for local road loans. It also projects collecting $300 million annually in reversions through agencies cutting waste, fraud and abuse.

U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski votes against gun background check bill – 95.3 MNC

“This regulation discriminates against individuals with disabilities by denying them their 2nd Amendment rights and violating their rights to due process,” Walorski said. “That is why we are standing up for the 2nd Amendment rights of all disabled Americans. Being disabled doesn’t make you a danger to society, and getting help managing your benefits doesn’t mean you forfeit your constitutional rights.”

Monday, February 7 – Hour 1 Podcast

Fake Hate Crime: Wisconsin College Student Put Anti-Muslim Graffiti on Own Door – Breitbart

A student at a Wisconsin college was arrested for defacing his own dorm room door with anti-Muslim graffiti in order to get attention, according to police.

12-year-old gets attacked by peers for wearing Trump hat | Daily Mail Online

He was suspended after the incident, although he was the one attacked. This caused his mother Christina Cortina to be outraged and she expressed concern over letting him wear the hat again.

Left Bashes Lady Gaga for Not Attacking Trump During Super Bowl

After much anticipation and speculation, pop mega-star Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl LI halftime show performance was largely devoid of partisan — much to the chagrin of myriad liberal media and entertainment reporters.

Cigarette tax proposal targets smoking while raising revenue – 95.3 MNC

The measure would raise the smoking age to 21, send more dollars toward tobacco cessation and prevention programs and repeal the state’s “Smoker’s Bill of Rights.” A health panel voted 11-0 Wednesday to send it to the House Ways and Means Committee.

House Bill 1578 – Cigarette tax and smoking age – Indiana General Assembly, 2017 Session

Makes a corresponding change to the laws concerning e-cigarettes, tobacco retailer permits, and admission to establishments where smoking is permitted.

Bill with significant impact on smokers unanimously clears Indiana House panel vote | Fox 59

Kirchhofer’s provision would’ve allowed them to buy before turning 21 years old with a military ID.


Tuesday, January 31 – Hour 3 Podcast

Trump Supporters Raise Nearly $30,000 For Muslim Immigrant-Owned Limo Torched by Liberal Protesters

So far the page has raised $28,635 for the Muslim immigrant so that he can get another limo which is used for his business.

Teacher Fired – Wait, ‘Retired’ For Showing Confederate Flag During Civil War Lesson | Truth Revolt

Help Nationwide Chauffered Service by Marlo F Johnson – Denning – GoFundMe

We are all coming together to Help Nationwide Chauffered Services LLC From Alexandria, VA. They are a victim of a senseless act that led to one of their limousines being destroyed.  This is an effort to help this company rebuild in their time of need. This is what this Industry Does !!! Pull together and show our support. Thank you all for helping this company.

3 Ways Democrats Can Stall Confirmation of Trump’s Cabinet

Senate Democrats have dug in their heels to stall confirmation proceedings for President Donald Trump’s Cabinet nominees.

Exclusive: President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick, Confirmed by Two High-Ranking Officials

Two high-ranking administration sources have confirmed to Independent Journal Review that President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick is Colorado Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Bringing Cake To The Office Could Be ‘Public Health Hazard’ | The Daily Caller

The UK Civil Service, the permanent bureaucracy of the British government, tweeted that office cake could be a “public health hazard.”

Are you guilty of snacking on cake when you’re at work? Could your office cake culture be a public health hazard? http://ow.ly/YwBF308tCVq 


Tuesday, January 31 – Hour 2 Podcast

U.S. appeals court voids part of Indiana vaping law | Reuters

Suspect charged with murder in Quebec mosque terror attack | Fox News

A second man, Mohamed el Khadir, was initially identified as an additional suspect by Quebec officials. Reuters and the French language newspaper La Presse reported earlier that one of the suspects was of Moroccan origin, a report that was picked up by Fox and other news outlets. But police later announced there was only one suspect in the attack, and Khadir was identified as a witness.

D.C. sandwich chain owner learns there’s nothing liberals won’t boycott « Hot Air

If you’re a liberal these days, you may have trouble keeping up with all of the new actions coming out of the Trump White House which enrage you. If you’re a conservative you’ve probably already lost track of the number of things the liberals are marching, protesting about, condemning and boycotting. On that last point you can now add one more to the list. The evil ownership of Taylor Gourmet, a local chain of hoagie shops around the Beltway, has gone too far and drawn the ire of progressive activists. (For those of you from other parts of the country, a “hoagie” is just another regional name for a sub sandwich, grinder or whatever you call it in your area.) The specific target of liberal ire is Casey Patten, co-founder of the business.

Indiana Senate panel considers adding drone-related crimes – Washington Times

Some Indiana lawmakers suggest drone users with nefarious intentions could be flying under the radar under existing laws.