Monday, February 20 – Hour 1 Podcast

FAKE NEWS: Trump Never Said There Was a Terror Attack in Sweden – Liberal Media MADE IT UP (Video)

DERP: Journos claim Trump referred to ‘nonexistent terror attack in Sweden’, transcript proves otherwise –

Funny how the media loves to misquote … and they wonder why they’re such a joke.

Official Data: Sexual Assault Jumps by 70 Per Cent in Sweden

The number of Swedes claiming to have been sexually assaulted has risen by 70 per cent in two years, with more than 13 per cent of women reporting to be too fearful to go out in the evening.

Swedish Cop Who Spoke Out About Migrant Crime Now Being Investigated For “Hate Speech” | Zero Hedge

Earlier this week we wrote about the veteran Swedish police officer who, despite acknowledging that his actions might result in a pay cut, demotion and/or termination, posted an epic rant to Facebook about crime in his country.  Among other things, the officer, Peter Springare, listed the crimes that he had spent the week investigating and subsequently attributed pretty much all of them to the beneficiaries of Merkel’s “open border” policies.  From his Facebook post:

Syrian asylum seeker jailed for life over mass execution | Daily Mail Online

A Swedish court on Thursday sentenced a Syrian man to life imprisonment for participation in the 2012 mass execution of seven government troops in Syria.


Monday, February, 13 – Hour 3 Podcast

VIDEO: People Protesting The Travel Ban Have NO IDEA What They Are Protesting

One student told Watters that America was a terrorist haven while another student who was protesting told Watters that he believes that everyone coming into the country should be vetted without realizing that he was in-fact actually in support of ‘s .

Saudi Arabia deports almost 40,000 Pakistanis in just 4 months – Middle East Monitor

But the deportation of Pakistani workers has been driven primarily to security concerns, according to the New Arab, citing the Saudi Gazette.Saudi officials have called for a rigorous vetting process before allowing foreign workers into the kingdom.

Federal Studies: Intel Agencies Lack Data to Assess Whether Syrian Refugees Are Lying – Breitbart

Law enforcement and intelligence officials privately told the House Committee on Homeland Security that the U.S. screening process for refugees contains inherent vulnerabilities and that a lack of information makes background checks for potential refugees difficult to trust.

Nigel Farage: The Media Is Misusing The Term ‘Refugee’ | The Daily Caller

British politician Nigel Farage believes the term “” is being used too broadly when describing the people looking to come to the U.S. from Syria and similar countries, saying most of them are “basically economic migrants.”

Singer Who Wore Trump Dress To Grammys Is Now No. 1 On iTunes – Christine Rousselle

Now, her fashion risk has paid off “big league”: at press time, her EP “I Make The Static” had skyrocketed to the number one spot on the iTunes album charts.


Monday, February 13 – Hour 2 Podcast

BUSTED: Look what we found Elizabeth Warren ADMITTING in 2003 – Allen B. West –

“An all voucher or all-school choice system would be a shock to the educational system, but the shake out just might be just what the system needs,”

NSF Kept Working With Scientists Caught Plagiarizing | The Daily Caller

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) found no fewer than 23 incidents of plagiarism by government-funded researchers, and eight cases of scientists fabricating or manipulating data between 2015 and 2016 at the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Washington Free Beacon reports.

Watch The First-Ever Robotic Bee Pollinate A Flower [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Scientists hope drones can become the new bees if the critical pollinators continue to die off.


Monday, February 13 – Hour 1 Podcast

Indiana gas station owners join fight against gas tax hike – ABC57 News – See the Difference Michiana

Over the next couple of weeks, more than 1,000 stations will feature the signs made by The Indiana Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Store Association.


Trump Credited For Surge in Congress’ Approval Rating – Leah Barkoukis

Tucker Pokes Fun At Media ‘Hysteria’ Over Immigration Laws | The Daily Caller

After host Steve Doocy introduced the cascade of coverage the enforcement actions have received, The Daily Caller co-founder and Fox host picked apart the rapidly assembling narrative of fear.

ICE Arrests 600+ Illegal Immigrants Across 11 States, Many Are Dangerous Criminals

“All these people are in violation of some sort of immigration law,” the official said, adding that some of their convictions included rape and aggravated assault. “We’re not going out to Walmart to check papers — we know who we are going out to seek.”

ICE Fights Back Against Fake News on Criminal Alien Arrests – IOTW Report

Media outlets have been reporting statements by community activists that appear to be aimed at instilling fear and false information about the ICE’s Operation Crosscheck, a program targeting criminal aliens and those with immigration court removal orders.


Casey Breaks Down Why ‘s Travel EO Is Legal – Podcast

It’s ok to disagree with something President does. It’s not ok to lie and say it is illegal, or unconstitutional. Which is exactly what activist judges, and radical leftists are doing when it comes to President Trump’s issuing a temporary travel moratorium for people from one of seven countries.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It’s ok to disagree with something Pres. Trump does. It’s not ok to lie & say it is illegal, or unconstitutional. [/Tweet]

In this , Casey breaks down the full legal authority President Trump has to issue this executive order, and why the courts (so far) and his critics are factually incorrect in saying his order is illegal or unconstitutional.

Trump’s authority is codified in US law in (8 U.S.C. §1182(f)).

Tuesday, February 7 – Hour 3 Podcast

ATF Associate Deputy Director: ‘Assault Weapons’ Import Ban Nonsensical

He then made clear that another reason for lifting importation limitations is the fact that American manufacturers currently make and sell rifles that are identical or similar to many of the firearms that are banned from import. Because of this, “restriction on imports serves questionable public safety interests.”

Gas pump ad campaign targets Indiana fuel tax hike | Local |

A trade association will soon adorn gas pumps across Indiana with ads opposing a Republican plan to use higher fuel taxes to pay for infrastructure repairs, a tricky sell in a conservative state much more accustomed to cutting taxes than raising them.