Wednesday, April 5 – Hour 1 Podcast

Senate OKs gas tax hike for roads | Indiana | The Journal Gazette

The Senate chose not to shift all revenue collected from the state sales tax on gasoline to roads – a major plank of the House plan.

Koscisuko County Sheriff Aaron Rovenstine pleads guilty to intimidation charge – 95.3 MNC

Kosicusko County Sheriff Aaron Rovenstine pleaded guilty to an intimidation charge as his trial on bribery and other counts was about to begin.

Fake News: Judge Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Plagiarize Anything – The Burning Truth

As all of my listeners and reader should know by now … if Democrats oppose you, expect the old playbook to come out. You will be accused of being a racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, tax cheat, and/or be accused of cheating on your spouse or plagiarism. Literally, every election statewide or national.

Experts: No, Neil Gorsuch Didn’t Commit Plagiarism | The Daily Caller

A college professor who accused of committing plagiarism admitted in her previous work that what he did isn’t plagiarism.

Harry Reid in 2013 on Republicans nuking the SCOTUS filibuster: “Let ’em do it” « Hot Air

They knew the consequences when they went nuclear. Now they’re headed down into the bomb shelter.

FLASHBACK: Media Loved Dems’ Nuclear Option in ‘13

In 2013, when then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did basically the same thing, he was cheered on in the studios of MSNBC and .

Montage: Democrats And Media LOVED In 2013 – Podcast

Harry Reid in 2013 on Republicans nuking the SCOTUS filibuster: “Let ’em do it” « Hot Air

They knew the consequences when they went nuclear. Now they’re headed down into the bomb shelter.

FLASHBACK: Media Loved Dems’ Nuclear Option in ‘13

In 2013, when then-Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did basically the same thing, he was cheered on in the studios of MSNBC and .

Tuesday, April 4 – Hour 3 Podcast

Attorneys try to stop deportation of Granger restaurant owner | Local |

restaurant owner Roberto Beristain is still in the United States — in a detention facility in Texas — as attorneys across the country file documents to prevent his , said Adam Ansari, a Chicago attorney who’s served as an advocate for the family.

U.S. withdraws funding for U.N. Population Fund

The State Department said on Monday it was ending U.S. funding for the United Nations Population Fund, the international body’s agency focused on family planning as well as maternal and child health in more than 150 countries.

More Trouble at Fox News: Ailes Faces New Sexual Claims and O’Reilly Loses Two Advertisers – The New York Times

Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai said they were withdrawing their ads from Mr. O’Reilly’s prime-time show, “The O’Reilly Factor,” after The New York Times published an investigation this weekend that found five women who made allegations of or inappropriate behavior against him. Those five women received settlements totaling about $13 million, The Times reported.

Tuesday, April 4 – Hour 2 Podcast

New USPS Service Lets You Digitally Preview That Day’s Mail Delivery – NBC News

, a free service from the U.S. Postal Service, lets you see what will be in your mailbox that day. Sign up and you’ll receive an email each morning with actual size black and white images of the front side of the letters and cards to be delivered.

Mom outraged when daughter, 16, gets birth-control implant after school arranges trip to clinic – TheBlaze

Google Asked 1000 Teens What’s Cool And Not Cool — Great News For Costco And Netflix, Bad News for ESPN And McDonald’s

The top three “coolest” things to are , YouTube, and Netflix. That’s followed by Oreoes, Xbox/Playstation, GoPro, Chick-Fil-A, Nike, and Supreme.

Here’s the actual Google document:

Tuesday, April 4 – Hour 1 Podcast

CNN Goes on Rampage Against Susan Rice Bombshell, Instructs Viewers to Ignore Story :: Grabien News

While interviewing a Democratic congressman, ‘s Chris Cuomo claimed it was “demonstrably untrue” Rice sought of the Trump team, even as that’s exactly what yesterday’s reports prove.

Susan Rice Admits Unmasking Trump Officials, Denies Political Purposes :: Grabien News

MITCHELL: “Within that process, and within the context of the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, did you seek the names of people involved in — to unmask the names of people involved in the Trump transition, the Trump campaign, people surrounding the President-elect in order to spy on them and expose them.” RICE: “Absolutely not for any political purposes, to spy, expose, anything.“

FLASHBACK: Susan Rice Said ‘I Know Nothing’ About Unmasking of Trump Officials

, former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, reportedly requested on several occasions the identities of “masked” U.S. persons in intelligence reports linked to President Trump’s transition and campaign. The revelation contradicts Rice’s past comments on March 22, when she claimed she knew “nothing” about the intelligence reports.

REVEALED: Susan Rice Ordered Detailed Spreadsheets of Trump’s Private Phone Calls

Former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of legal phone calls involving Donald Trump and his aides when he was running for president, according to former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova.

7/ If I were a reporter, I would want to know why Rice sought the . The FBI is investigating possible Trump collision, not the WH.

8/ How often did she ask? What reasons did she give? (Each request is tracked and catalogued in writing by the NSA. A procedure exists.)

St Petersburg metro bombing a possible suicide attack – BBC News

Monday’s blast between two stations killed 14 people and injured almost 50.