Monday, April 17 – Hour 3 Podcast

Hate Crime Hoax Finds Black Man Posing as Racist White Man in Obscene Letter Campaign – Breitbart

An African American man in Tennessee was arrested for allegedly posing as a local white business owner and writing letters pretending the businessman was a racist who was planning attacks on local black leaders.

U of Michigan Professor Claims that the English Language Is ‘Sexist’ – Breitbart

In a lecture at Iowa State University, University of Michigan Professor Anne Curzan argued that the English language is “.”

Roku TVs to Listen in on Programs and Suggest New Content – Breitbart

While it may seem slightly Orwellian, has ensured that customer privacy will be protected by requiring users to opt-in to the feature and not have it function automatically without their consent. Known as “More Ways to Watch,” it can be turned off at any time; however, Roku has said that information collected will not be deleted.

Your Kids’ School-Owned Devices Are Spying On Them, Report Finds – Consumerist

The EFF’s new “Spying on Students” report [PDF] pulls together two years’ worth of research and data trying to find out whether educational technology (ed tech) companies are protecting students’ privacy. The answer is, unfortunately, largely not.

Google Hire: Job website could let employers see your search history

It will reportedly be a recruitment tool similar to LinkedIn — however, early reports suggest it will be available through your personal Google account.

Monday, April 17 – Hour 2 Podcast

Tax Day Tea Party Rally – St Joe County Tea Party Patriots (Mishawaka, IN) | Meetup

groups nationwide will be holding rallies on Tax day.  Our rally will be a sign waving event at the intersection of S Michigan and Wayne St in downtown South Bend, just down the street from the local IRS office.  We will be making signs at our Thursday, April 13 meeting.  Please plan on joining us for an hour.

Couple Kicked Off United Flight en Route to Their Destination Wedding – Breitbart

A bride and groom headed to Costa Rica for their wedding got kicked off a United flight set to leave Texas on Saturday afternoon.

Looking for a job? United has job openings in public relations – Story | KSAZ

According to United Airline’s website, the company is hiring two Managers for Brand Public Relations.

Professor Sues Walmart For CLEAN TOILETS Fishing License | The Daily Caller

A professor at Montana State University has filed a lawsuit against the local because an employee allegedly typed “CLEAN TOILETS” — apparently in all-capital letters — as the professor’s job on his fishing license.

Flashback – Judge Nap: ‘Three Intel Sources’ Say Obama Looked to Brit Agency to Spy on Trump :: Grabien News

“So, three intelligence sources have informed Fox that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn’t use the NSA. He didn’t use the CIA. He didn’t use the FBI and he didn’t use the Department of Justice. He used GCHQ. What’s the heck is the GCHQ? That’s the initials for the British spying agency. They have 24/7 access to the NSA data base. So, by simply having two people go to them saying President Obama needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate , conversations involving President-elect Trump, he is able to get it. And there is no American fingerprints on this.”

CNN admits their reports on Fox News anchor were false (explosive!) – The Horn News

After Judge Andrew Napolitano was suspended from Fox News for reporting that former President Barack Obama used British intelligence to help spy on Trump Tower, has been on a non-stop attack.

British intelligence passed Trump associates’ talks with Russian on to US counterparts –

British and other European intelligence agencies intercepted communications between associates of Donald Trump and Russian officials and other Russian individuals during the campaign and passed on those communications to their US counterparts, US congressional and law enforcement and US and European intelligence sources tell CNN.

Monday, April 17 – Hour 1 Podcast

Pence in Seoul: ‘With Your Help, and with God’s Help, Peace Will Ever Prevail’ in Korea :: Grabien News

PENCE: “Under President ‘s leadership, our resolve has never been stronger. Our commitment to this historic alliance with the courageous people of South Korea has never been stronger. With your help and with God’s help, freedom will ever prevail on this peninsula.”

Pence Went To The DMZ Just To Stare Down N. Korean Soldiers | The Daily Caller

Though other top ranking U.S. officials have visited the DMZ in the past, Pence actually ventured outside and stared down North Korean troops.

U.S., Afghan Forces Begin Cleanup After Massive Bomb Blast – WSJ

U.S. national security adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster arrived in Kabul on Saturday, Afghanistan’s defense minister said, days after the U.S. military dropped the second-largest nonnuclear weapon in its arsenal on a cave complex used by Islamic State

Trump Is Granting Military Much More Leeway In Bombing ISIS | The Daily Caller

“There’s nothing formal, but it is beginning to take shape,” a senior U.S. defense told The Wall Street Journal. “There is a sense among these commanders that they are able to do a bit more — and so they are.”

US Unleashes More Bombs On ISIS Than Ever Before | The Daily Caller

Each month of 2017 has seen the number rise to higher levels than previously seen. The Air Force Times (AFT) notes a 62 percent increase in the number of munitions dropped in the first quarter of 2017, compared to 2016.

Death toll from Aleppo bus convoy bomb attack at least 126: Observatory | Reuters

The Observatory and the United Nations cited reports that more than 60 children were among the dead.

⚡️ “Dozens of children killed in bus attack near Aleppo ” 

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Dozens of children killed in bus attack near Aleppo


At least 126 people are now dead after a convoy of buses was caught in a bomb blast, according to the Observatory for Human Rights. A total of 68 children were among the dead. The convoy was…


CNN Reporter Calls Massive Car Bombing that Killed 126 Syrians a “Hiccup”

On Saturday 126 people were murdered in a bomb attack on a crowded bus convoy near Aleppo, .

Animal expert worries that birds won’t be able to fly over the border wall – Hot Air Hot Air

MSNBC recently ran a segment where biologist and television “animal guy” Jeff Corwin put in his two cents. The wall is a bad idea, you see, because birds and bats might not be able to fly over it.

Not gonna lie, part of my childhood died after hearing Corwin say those things.

Environmentalists Claim Trump’s Wall Would Harm Non-Existent Jaguars | MRCTV

In a move that smacks of its anti-oil efforts to “save” the lesser prairie chicken, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service actually proposed the creation of a critical habitat zone for jaguars across parts of Arizona and New Mexico back in 2012. But, seeing as jaguars aren’t known to inhabit the area, the Arizona Game and Fish Department pushed back, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

Feds, Wildlife Groups Use Bogus Endangered Species Science to Block Border Fence – Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch obtained records from Arizona’s Game and Fish Department, local governments and one of the biologists fighting the effort to designate the area a “critical habitat” for jaguars. It’s been a years-long battle that started in 2012 when the Obama administration relaxed ESA requirements to make designation of critical habitat easer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). This includes lowering scientific standards and essentially caving in to leftist groups. The result, according to biologist and attorney Dennis Parker, is more restrictions on private property, grazing, mineral exploration and development not to mention national security. Furthermore, no scientifically verifiable record of jaguar breeding exists in the area and only lone, transient male jaguars are occasionally and peripherally occurrent, Parker said. In a document addressed to USFWS, Arizona’s Game and Fish Department states that “habitat essential to the conservation of the jaguar does not exist in either Arizona or New Mexico under any scientifically credible definition of that term.”

Climate Scientists Spread Panic: ‘Ten Years’ to Save the Earth

In the latest in radical climate doomsaying, a new report warns that fossil fuel consumption will need to be reduced “below a quarter of primary energy supply by 2100” to avoid possibly disastrous effects on global temperatures.

Positive Stories The Media Is Refusing To Cover – Podcast

Ben Carson Finds Massive Fraud At HUD – Daily Wire

“The total amounts of errors corrected in ‘s notes and consolidated financial statements were $516.4 billion and $3.4 billion, respectively,” the auditors wrote.

Manufacturing Employment on the Rise in ‘Right to Work’ Indiana

As became America’s 23rd Right to Work state in early 2012, just a little more than five years ago, many proponents like then-Congressman (now the U.S. Vice President) contended the new law

President Trump is Dramatically Cutting US Trade Deficit to China – Justin Holcomb

The deficit fell to $43.6 billion, 9.6 percent below January’s deficit of $48.2 billion, while imports on Chinese goods fell by $8.6 billion.  The overall deficit with narrowed in February to $23 billion, 26.6 percent below the January total.

China Open to Dropping Import Ban on American Beef

12,392,000: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Reach Highest Level in 8 Years

That is the greatest number of people employed in manufacturing in the United States since January 2009—the month that President Barack Obama was inaugurated

153,000,000 Americans Employed in March, Setting 2nd Straight Record

The number of employed Americans increased 472,000 to 153,000,000 in March, setting a second straight monthly record; and the number of unemployed persons dropped by 326,000 to 7.2 million.

Monday, April 10 – Hour 3 Podcast

Illegal alien arrests jump 250 percent in a week | BizPac Review

That represents a whopping 250 percent jump over the 106 illegals arrested the prior week.

New Jersey immigration attorney charged with VISA fraud and aggravated identity theft | ICE

A Denville, New Jersey attorney was charged for visa fraud, aggravated identity theft and mail fraud. The charges resulted from an investigation by U.S. and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) with the assistance of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Fraud Detection and National Security and the Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service.

AP: Illegal Immigration in March Was Lowest in 17 Years, Says Wednesday Testimony by DHS Chief – Breitbart

The number of migrants illegally coming across the U.S. southern border in March dropped to the lowest level in 17 years, says a leaked agency statement given to the Associated Press.

Border boss: Wall cut illegal crossings 94% | Washington Examiner

But a wall built near Yuma, Ariz., proved so successful that illegal crossings were slashed 94 percent, according to Senate testimony previewed by Secrets and expected to be given today to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

REPORT: POTUS Trump Wins MAJOR Trade Concessions from China (VIDEO)

The other major concession has to do with allowing foreign entities (U.S. citizens) to hold majority stakes in Chinese investment and securities companies, the Financial Times reports.

@JayseDavid @JayseDavid, also, can you tell us anything about the plane incident?

@WHAS11 10mins later, the doctor runs back into the plane with a bloody face, clings to a post in the back, chanting, “I need to go home.”

Monday, April 10 – Hour 2 Podcast

Gambler loses jackpot to woman who pushed the button for him | Miami Herald

So when the bells rang, the lights flashed and the payline showed a $100,000 jackpot, Flato felt like a big winner.

Student journalist protections die in Indiana Senate | Politics |

A bill meant to protect ‘ First Amendment rights died in the Senate on Friday.

Kansas principal resigns after student journalists look into her credentials | Fox News

After student journalists at a Kansas high school got a big scoop on their incoming principal’s credentials, she resigned from the $93,000-a-year position.

Now That HHGregg Has Died, Best Buy, J.C. Penney and Others Could Split $1 Billion Sales Windfall – TheStreet

The end has arrived for (HGG) , and that’s great for some of its long-time rivals.

OUCH! CNN’s interview with Syrian backfires on Dem narrative BIG TIME –

‘s Brooke Baldwin played a clip of Hillary Clinton slamming ‘s policies on refugees, and those who were expecting support of Clinton’s statement were sorely disappointed:

Flashback: ISIS Used Chemical Weapons at Least 52 Times in Syria-Iraq – No Outrage by Liberal Media

used over 52 times in -Iraq since it established its caliphate in 2014.

Idaho’s $4.3 Million Solar Project Generates Enough Energy to Run ONE Microwave Oven

The Solar FREAKIN’ Roadways project generated an average of 0.62 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per day since it began publicly posting power data in late March. To put that in perspective, the average microwave or blow drier consumes about 1 kWh per day.