Wednesday, April 26 – Hour 3 Podcast

Simon the giant rabbit, destined to be world’s biggest, dies on United Airlines flight | Fox News

Scandal-hit United Airlines is facing a new PR disaster — after a valuable giant rabbit died mysteriously on one of its planes.

United Airlines Business Class Ad Pulled Tribeca Film Festival | Hollywood Reporter

Sources indicate it was a joint decision to pull the ad, which was meant to precede all screenings until the audience laughed at the spot, noting it seemed like a parody.

Wisconsin morning show sues pranksters | Daily Mail Online

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on Why He’s Rejecting Net Neutrality Rules –

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced plans today to roll back net neutrality rules put in place by the Obama administration in 2015.

Drugged driving eclipses drunken driving in tests of motorists killed in crashes – The Washington Post

For the first time, statistics show that drivers killed in crashes are more likely to be on drugs than drunk.

Wednesday, April 26 – Hour 2 Podcast

Now moving into one of those ‘tiny houses’ is offensive — and has a name: ‘Poverty appropriation’ – TheBlaze

But according to a writer for a blog called the Establishment — “funded & run by women, striving to provide a platform for every voice” — the Tiny House Movement has become the offense of “poverty appropriation.”

China talks with European Space Agency about moon village | Daily Mail Online

China is talking with the European Space Agency about collaborating on a human settlement on the moon.

WSJ – Pentagon Ramps Up Space Warfare Effort – 26 April 2017 – Military Legitimacy

The Pentagon is getting serious about gearing up for potential space combat.

About damn time they listened to me.

Freedom Caucus endorses revised ObamaCare repeal-and-replace bill | TheHill

The House Freedom Caucus on Wednesday announced it will back the GOP’s healthcare plan now that an amendment allowing states to opt out of key ObamaCare rules is included.

Wednesday, April 26 – Hour 1 Podcast

ESPN Layoffs: List of Confirmed Fired Employees |

Wednesday is a somber day for many employees at ESPN.

ESPN Has To Change, Or Today’s Layoffs Are Just The Beginning

This morning, ESPN announced layoffs were coming, and it appears that people will be getting released throughout the day. Paradoxically, though, this comes right as interest in sports has never been higher. The problem isn’t that nobody wants sports; it’s that how ESPN, and televised sports in general, serve up sports is out of sync with how people want to consume them.

The Top 5 Reasons ESPN’s Ratings Are In Freefall

1. Cutting the cord

Donald Trump presents sweeping tax reform plan – Washington Times

It would reduce the number of tax brackets form the current seven to three, lowering the top tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent. The other two new brackets would have a 25 percent and 10 percent rate.

Tuesday, April 25 – Hour 3 Podcast

White Collar Fight Club: how I transformed from office worker to punching machine

Had you asked me before November last year, I would have suggested that those were also the last punches I would ever throw. Despite my rage over items of stationery, I am not an aggressive man. My friends would tell you that I wouldn’t (or couldn’t) hurt a fly. So what was I doing, signing up to “white-collar boxing” and committing to a fight just five months later?

Jeans made to look like you Work Hard so you don’t have to | Mike Rowe

Topshop Clear Knee Mom Jeans | Nordstrom

I almost bought suit months ago.

Retired Air Force captain says attack on Extortion 17 could have been prevented | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

A retired Air Force captain says the Pentagon lied to families about what caused the Extortion 17 tragedy.

Tuesday, April 25 – Hour 2 Podcast

United Airlines passenger David Dao blamed by police for injuries | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

As more police arrived, he started “swinging his arms up and down fast and violently.” According to the report, his motions caused him to lose control, leading him to fall and hit his head on the armrest.

Report: United Airlines isn’t America’s least favorite airline – 95.3 MNC

Here’s how the airlines ranked, according to the report:

Wikitribune launched by Jimmy Wales, WIkipedia founder | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

Wikipedia saved many of your term papers. Now its founder wants to bring you the .

Wikitribune – Evidence-based journalism

Wikitribune is a news platform that brings journalists and a community of volunteers together.

Two-thirds of Americans think that the Democratic Party is out of touch with the country – The Washington Post

Two-thirds of Americans think the Democrats are out of touch — including nearly half of Democrats themselves.

CLASSY: Dick Durbin seconds Tom Perez, tells 28% of Democrats who oppose abortion to GET OUT –

Honestly at this point you think they’d be BEGGING for support but oh no, not these self-centered, perpetually smug Leftist jackasses.

EXTREMELY RARE Parchment Copy of the Declaration of Independence Has Been Found (VIDEO)

Report: More Americans Between 18 and 34 Live with Parents Than Spouse – Breitbart

More Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 live with their parents than with a spouse, according to a new study.

Honeywell strips health benefits from retirees | Business |

Martha Stutsman, a longtime union member, retired from Honeywell in 1990 with what she thought were lifetime health and prescription drug benefits.

Tuesday, April 25 – Hour 1 Podcast

First 100 days: Trump team touts number of Obama rules they killed | Fox News

Though President Trump is unlikely to ding ObamaCare before the 100-day mark this Saturday, he and GOP lawmakers have been able to chip away at Barack Obama’s legacy in other ways — by making unprecedented use of an obscure rule-killing law.

11 Ways Trump Has Rolled Back Regulations in 100 Days

As President Donald Trump reaches his 100th day in the White House on April 29, he will have worked with Congress to rescind more regulations using the Congressional Review Act than any other president.

Trump to impose tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber | TheHill

The Trump administration will slap new tariffs on softwood lumber entering the U.S. from Canada, a move sure to inflame a long-running trade dispute between the two countries.

Canada has made business for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin and other border states very difficult. We will not stand for this. Watch!

Trump: ‘We will not stand for’ Canadian business practices | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

Trump also accused Canada of cutting off dairy products being exported from the United States. He may be targeting lumber because U.S. lumber companies allege Canadian lumber imports are unfairly subsidized, which Canada denies, The Hill reports.

A Trump tariff on Canadian lumber isn’t as crazy as you’re being told – Hot Air Hot Air

If the estimates from the Commerce Department are accurate, Canada is currently subsidizing the sales of more than a half dozen different Canadian lumber companies at rates of anywhere from 12 to 24 percent. As soon as they start doing that, their companies are able to begin selling their products at rates which are significantly below the break even, profitability point without suffering the consequences of doing so which would afflict any company attempting it in a true free market scenario. That means they can undercut American lumber companies, costing us business and jobs.