Thursday, May 11 – Hour 2 Podcast


The Growing Problem of ‘Fake Science’

It’s a cautionary note issued by respected industry leaders who say unseen interests are exerting enormous control over research and what is—or isn’t—published. Their startling claim: that a large percentage of articles in prestigious medical journals are simply not to be believed.

FLASHBACK: Cell Phones & Cancer: Two Weeks, Two Studies, Two Different Conclusions – The Burning Truth

# are one of those subjects that I mock on a regular basis. For years, ‘scientists’ have been saying that cell phones cause various forms of cancers, infertility, and even psychological disorders. The following week, a counter-study will release the exact opposite results. That’s what happened this week again with cell phones, and the risk of you getting #.

Wine and cheese make you smart and healthy, according to new studies – MarketWatch

Go ahead — have some cheese with your wine tonight. It turns out that cheese may not be so bad for your health after all.

Man behind Blue Whale ‘game’ says he’s ‘cleansing society’ | Daily Mail Online

The Russian 21-year-old – who has now confessed to the crimes – says he thinks of his victims as ‘biological waste’ and told police that they were ‘happy to die’ and he was ‘cleansing society’.

Thursday, May 11 – Hour 1 Podcast


Fake Hate: Racist St. Olaf Note Was Another Hoax – The Burning Truth

There’s a reason I do this series. The vast majority of these stories are hoaxes, and it’s important for people to be exposed to the truth.

Student Loans Just Got More Expensive

The U.S. government is raising prices for new student debt, adding hundreds of dollars to the cost of the typical federal college loan.

Judge: Expelled Notre Dame student must complete final exams first – 95.3 MNC

U.S. District Court Judge Philip Simon ruled this week in favor of the male student’s request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction. The judge says the exams may be given off-campus.

FLASHBACK: Student: Notre Dame Expelled Me Because I’m Male – The Daily Beast

Student: Expelled Me Because I’m Male – The Daily Beast

Arizona radio station under investigation for child porn PSA – CBS News

“If you have such material, you can save yourselves and your family a ton of grief and save the taxpayers a lot of money by never storing such pictures on the hard drive of your computer. Always use an external drive and hide it where nobody will ever find it. Likewise, never keep paper pictures, tapes or films of naked juveniles where anybody else can find them.”

Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 3 Podcast


FOX Expert Herridge: Comey Was Fired Because He Refused to Reveal Obama Unmaskers (VIDEO)

FOX national security expert Catherine Herridge told The Five last night that Director was fired because he refused to reveal the Obama administration “unmaskers” to President .

Trump defends firing of FBI director, pledges “far …

“Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me,” Trump wrote in a series of posts on Twitter one day after he fired the top U.S. law enforcement official. Comey had been leading a probe into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign’s possible collusion with Russia to influence the election outcome.

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing – Katie Pavlich

A number of in Washington D.C. this morning are expressing outrage over President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. But it wasn’t long ago that many of them called Comey unfit for public office, said they lacked confidence in his ability to lead the Bureau and called for his firing.

Democrats Wanted Comey Fired — Until Tuesday | LifeZette

Liberals demanded FBI director’s resignation, dismissal for months — before turning it against Trump

Huh? Nonsensical Maxine Waters Says Hillary Would Have Fired Comey But Trump Shouldn’t Have (VIDEO)

Democrat darling told MSNBC on Wednesday that Clinton should have fired James Comey if she won the White House.

Here’s Who Trump Might Pick To Replace Comey | The Daily Caller

President Trump reportedly set to work early Wednesday to choose a replacement for his first FBI director, James Comey.

Screen shot via @KellyannePolls cell phone- of Huma’s call at 2:30amE….6 months ago. I have on video & will share that in the near future.

Mexico was second deadliest country in 2016 –



Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 2 Podcast


Feminists Outraged ‘Wonder Woman’ is Marketing ‘ThinkThin’ Nutrition Bars | Truth Revolt

According to Grocery Headquarters, “‘‘ is in natural alignment with the female lifestyle brand, which offers a range of high protein nutrition bars as well as other nutritious formats, such as bites, smoothie mixes and oatmeal, company officials say.”

FBI: Media Narrative In Police Shootings Spurred Cop Killers | The Daily Caller

A new report from the says a one-sided narrative against police is partly to blame for the growing hostility to law enforcement, which resulted in a sharp rise in officer killings in 2016.

Looks like the FBI agrees with my research.

The Media Is Responsible For Violence In Dallas Last Night – The Burning Truth

Studies show that media coverage of certain violent events actually causes to occur. When you throw in dishonest media coverage that peddles lies as if they were true, especially when they paint a false narrative of violence against a specific demographic, the powderkeg gets lit. That’s what has been happening for years in the U.S. The media has peddled lies, myths, and distortions of the facts as if they were true to paint a false narrative of police violence, and racism against minorities. They’ve done this with many topics, but we’ll stick to these for today.

UC Berkeley Professor Banned From Wikipedia Over Anti-Trump Edit Project – Breitbart

A professor has come under fire after a edit project for one of his courses branded President Donald “racist” and “sexist.”

Cal Poly Professor Argues Squirrels Are Subjected to Racially-Charged Media Bias – Breitbart

Lloro-Bidart claims that she worked towards such a conclusion by analyzing the coverage of eastern fox through “feminist posthumanist,” and “feminist food studies” lenses.

Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 1 Podcast


Video: Liberal Crowd at Colbert Show CHEERS Comey Firing–Then Sheepishly Changes to Jeering Trump After Colbert Shames Them

A stunned rebuked the audience, waving a shaming finger at them and saying, “Huge, huge Donald fans here tonight.”

James Comey Thought His Firing Was A Joke – The Burning Truth

Comey also recently swatted crazy liberal Russian conspiracies away during Congressional testimony.

10 Major FBI Scandals on Comey’s Watch :: Grabien News

Here are 10 of Comey’s biggest embarrassments at the :

University Caves To LGBT Pressure, Rejects Chick-Fil-A | The Daily Caller

Catholic Fordham University won’t be hosting Chick-fil-A at its New York City campus after caving to opposition led by gay activists The College Fix reports.

AHCA Medicaid Reforms Increase Funding For Elderly | The Daily Caller

The American Health Care Act () increases spending beyond Obamacare levels, despite claims that it “guts” funding for the government-backed health care program.