Monday, May 22 – Hour 1 Podcast


Watch: Crowd Boos Snowflakes Who Walked Out On Mike Pence Commencement Speech – The Burning Truth

They’ve been trying to sell it as a ‘respectful’ protest the week leading up to the . That is a lie. If they didn’t want to hear Pence speak, they didn’t have to show up. You graduate either way. This was designed to get them attention, and be disrespectful not just to the former Governor, and current Vice President, but to be disrespectful to everyone else in attendance. It was a pathetic ‘look at me!’ moment.

Watchdog group threatens suit over recycling charge on tax bills | Local |

A watchdog group called Citizens for Common Sense has threatened a lawsuit over households being charged on their property bills for St. Joseph County’s curbside recycling program.

Voter signatures being gathered for recreational marijuana, prevailing wage issues in Michigan – 95.3 MNC

Groups that want to legalize and repeal a law that requires union-level wages on state-financed building projects can begin gathering voter signatures.

Wednesday, May 17 – Hour 3 Podcast


Alamo Drafthouse CEO Tim League has offered a $17.31 gift certificate to settle the lawsuit an Austin man filed against his date for texting during a movie.

Alamo Drafthouse CEO Tim League has offered a $17.31 gift certificate to settle the lawsuit an Austin man filed against his date for texting during a movie.

Internet mocks crowdfunding campaign for men’s rompers | Daily Mail Online

First came the man bun and then the glitter beard – but the latest fashion accessory to hit the menswear world has been met with widespread ridicule.

Rene Lima-Marin, re-incarcerated after he was freed 90 years early, wins release –

A Colorado man who was sent back to prison after being mistakenly released was told by a judge Tuesday that he is a free man.

Thanks to Insane DUI Law, Driver Gets 6 Months for Fatal Crash She Did Not Cause – Hit & Run :

Kali Su Schram did not cause the crash that killed Ralph Martin, a 64-year-old bicyclist who rode into her path as she was driving on Seaway Drive in Muskegon, , on the morning of November 26, 2015. She will nevertheless serve six months in jail as a result of the accident, thanks to Michigan’s unjust and unscientific definition of drugged driving.

Wednesday, May 17 – Hour 2 Podcast


Teachers learn to use math as Trojan horse for social justice

According to the course developers, regular is “too abstract” for many students, and incorporating social justice can help them better understand “the power and meaning” of math.

NRCC Raises Over $10 Million in April

Last month was the best April on record for the ‘s fundraising, according to Roll Call. It also was the fourth straight month in which the House GOP’s fundraising arm raised $10 million or more–the longest streak at that level ever.

Winning! Atlanta Fed Projects 2nd Quarter GDP Above 4% in President Trump’s First Full Quarter in Office

This is the first time for this rate to be projected above 4% since before 2012.

Democratic Rep: ‘My First Amendment Right Is Different From Yours’ – The Burning Truth

The exchange started when Demings wrote on Facebook that she supports “common sense gun legislation” and “stand[s] against the gun lobby.”


Nets Sprint to Hammer Trump With Comey Memo, Yet They Haven’t Seen It

Despite their championing of a mysterious memo alleging impropriety by the President of the United States, it’s easily challenged by the simple fact that acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified to the Senate last week that there has been no interference in their investigations by the Trump administration.

Montage: The Media Can’t Stop Asking Democratic Guests If They’re Ready to Impeach Trump :: Grabien News

Since the Washington Post’s report Monday that President Trump shared classified information with the Russian ambassador during an Oval Office meeting last week, the major media seems to smell blood in the water. Over the last 24 hours, almost every interview with Democratic politicians has included a question about whether we’re getting closer to impeaching the president.

Gregg Jarrett: Comey’s revenge is a gun without powder | Fox News

Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States.  Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey.  (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361)  He would also, upon sufficient proof, lose his license to practice law.

Dershowitz: Come on, no one’s going to indict Trump for obstruction – Hot Air Hot Air

“He has the power to tell them what to do,” said Dershowitz, but since the president also was the only person who could have fired Comey, it’s not clear if he obstructed justice if he suggested to Comey to “go soft” on former National Security Agency Director Michael Flynn, as Comey has suggested and written in a memo.

Jonathan Turley Shuts Down Joe Scarborough Over Dubious Legal Claims

JONATHAN TURLEY:This isn’t going to be real popular, but I don’t think so. My family has been pressing me on this. It’s sort of like going across-country with them and saying, are we there yet? Are we there yet? Everyone wants to reach that point. You say, I can still see our house. It’s only been 150 days or so since the inauguration. The fact is, I don’t think this makes out an obstruction case.

Watergate Attorney: Comparing Comey/Trump Situation To Watergate Is Nonsense – Katie Pavlich

“Having served as Assistant Minority Counsel to the late Senators Howard Baker and Fred Thompson, it borders on the absurd to hear the comparisons from a gaggle of politicians and pundits between Watergate and the firing of the FBI Director by President Trump. Leaving aside that numerous Democrats have themselves ‘demanded’ the firing of Comey and that Comey himself notes that the FBI Director can be fired for ‘no reason’ at all, the comparisons are not only blatant partisan nonsense, they diminish the historic process which lead to President’s Nixon’s resignation in the summer of 1974,”  Michael Madigan, former assistant minority counsel on the Watergate Committee said Wednesday.

Putin to provide transcripts of Trump, Lavrov conversation – Washington Times

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday he’s ready to turn over transcripts of President Trump’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, as he mocked the media furor in the U.S. over alleged intelligence sharing.

Monday, May 15 – Hour 3 Podcast


Michelle Obama is not happy about the rollback of her school lunch guidelines – Hot Air Hot Air

“And this is where you really have to look at motives,” Mrs. Obama said. She continued, “You have to stop and think, why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you?” Later in her statement, Mrs. Obama said, “Like me, don’t like me but think about why someone is okay with your kids eating crap. Why would you celebrate that?”

Your Candy Bars are About to Get Smaller and You Can Thank Michelle Obama | Truth Revolt

Climbing on board are Mars, Nestle, and PepsiCo, just to name a few. Pepsi has promised the PHA to reduce sugar, saturated fats, and sodium in its products as well as make investments in healthier product lines in the future. The candy makers will cut portion sizes on half their products, including snacks like Snickers, M&Ms, Butterfingers, and Starburst, to 200 calories or fewer by 2022, The Washington Post reports. In addition, these companies have also promised to move the nutrition information to the front of the packaging. (Because it burns too many calories to turn the package over and that’s just too personally responsible for a lowly citizen.)

Robotic Touch: U Researchers 3D Print Bionic Skin « WCCO | CBS Minnesota

Researchers at the University of Minnesota say they’ve developed a way to make “bionic skin,” technology that could allow robots to feel their environments and humans to wear sensory-enhancing devices directly on their fingertips.

US Army training AI using brainwaves of supersnipers | Daily Mail Online

Army researchers are teaching artificial intelligence to learn from humans to become sharper shooters.

DNC Host Committee Hands Out Nearly $1 Million in Taxpayer Funded Bonuses

The Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee used some of the leftover money it raised for the Democratic National Convention to pay nearly $1 million bonuses to staff and volunteers, prompting the Republican head of the state Senate to call for an audit.

The same exact people being sued by workers for not getting paid.

Marvel Comics Cancels Black Lives Matter-Themed ‘Black Panther’ Due to Poor Sales

Marvel Comics has canceled its Black Lives Matter-inspired comic book Black Panther & The Crew due to poor sales, according to reports.

Monday, May 15 – Hour 2 Podcast


DNC Workers Sue Party for Receiving Sub-Minimum Wages, No Overtime – Washington Free Beacon

Dozens of field workers have filed a class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, claiming the party that is pushing employers to pay a $15 minimum wage and more in overtime failed to pay overtime and minimum wages to its own employees.

Earth’s Forest Area 9 Percent Greater Than Thought – Hit & Run :

“We show that in 2015, 1327 million hectares of drylands had more than 10% tree-cover, and 1079 million hectares comprised forest,” report the researchers. “Our estimate is 40 to 47% higher than previous estimates, corresponding to 467 million hectares of forest that have never been reported before. This increases current estimates of global forest cover by at least 9%.”

FLASHBACK: Surprise! The earth has trillions more trees than we thought – The Boston Globe

The research, published this week in Nature, drew on global satellite imagery and more than 400,000 sample counts from forests around the world in order to estimate that there are currently 3.04 trillion trees on earth. This is 750 percent more than the previous best estimate, which was 400 billion.

Man protecting son from angry goose gets ticket | Fox 59

A local dad is crying “fowl” after he says he got a ticket for protecting his son from an aggressive goose. But county law enforcement says he went too far.

Study suggests many people don’t believe fake news – 95.3 MNC

Despite claims by some politicians, fake , social media and search algorithms don’t sway public opinion, according to a study by a group of international researchers.

That article and the study are fake news.