Tuesday, May 30 – Hour 3 Podcast


Indiana police departments want drones. There’s just one big problem.

‘s two largest departments both want ; one for crowd surveillance at major gatherings Downtown, the other to monitor traffic at events such as the Indiana State Fair.

FAKE NEWS: WaPo Made-Up Kushner’s Request for ‘Permanent Back Channel’ Communication with Russia

During the meeting wherein the asserted that proposed a secure line between the Trump administration and , it was actually the Russians who proposed it, a source close to Kushner informed Fox .

Jared Kushner didn’t suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says | Fox News

During the meeting the Russians broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News. That follows a recent report from The Washington Post alleging that Kushner wanted to develop a secure, private line with Russia.

WIKILEAKS: Obama Transition Team Initiated ‘Confidential Policy Consultations’ with Foreign Actors in Nov. 2008

The liberal mainstream media excitedly reported on Jared Kushner’s attempt to establish a secret channel of communication with Russia before the president took office.

Tuesday, May 30 – Hour 2 Podcast


St. Joseph County wants bigger piece of local tax pie | Local | southbendtribune.com

Property owners, local governments and school districts could be forced to give up tax money for the county to repair bridges and buy equipment.

Erasing history: HS senior starts petition to eliminate ‘James Madison’ from school name – The College Fix

Berry said she was inspired to start the petition after watching a documentary about the history of enslavement. Currently, she is enrolled in a social justice class where her teacher asked students to consider the type of change they want to make in the world.

Supreme Court Rules 8-0 for Police in Major Fourth Amendment Case – Hit & Run : Reason.com

In 2002 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit said that the lawful use of deadly force by the may be ruled unlawful if the police themselves “created the need to use force” by acting in an illegal manner. “Where an officer intentionally or recklessly provokes a violent confrontation, if the provocation is an independent Fourth Amendment violation,” the 9th Circuit held in Billington v. Smith, the officer “may be held liable for his otherwise defensive use of deadly force.”

Tuesday, May 30 – Hour 1


Study on revamping Indiana’s archaic alcohol laws will take two years – 95.3 MNC

A revamp of ‘s laws is one of the major issues that Statehouse leaders are picking for further in the coming months.

Study could crack open long-sought changes to Indiana alcohol laws | Government and Politics | nwitimes.com

As recommended by state Rep. Charlie Brown, D-Gary, the Interim Study Committee on Roads and Transportation will examine how to end mandatory vehicle emissions testing in Lake and Porter counties, without imperiling the state’s clean air standards.

Portland Stabber Media Keep Painting As “White Supremacist” Trump Supporter Was Raging Progressive – Wanted To Kill Trump Supporters

There are only a few problems with this picture, as Gateway Pundit reported on earlier, Christian was not only a Bernie Sanders supporter but a raging leftist who wanted to kill Trump supporters. An inside look into Jeremy Christian’s  shows just how leftist and vehemently anti-“right wing” he really is:

Source, Jeremy Christian is a Bernie supporter but also unstable, he would intentionally start scuffles and do Nazi salutes for attention.

Portland killer Jeremy Christian was kicked out of free speech event by Trump supporters, he was false flagger. https://youtu.be/JZL5-_y9jIY 

URGENT: Conservative Group Launched to Defend Sean Hannity and Battle Organized Leftist Fascism #StandWithSean

is expected to make announcements in the next 48-72 hours.

(13) StopTheScalpings (STS)



Thursday, May 25 – Hour 3 Podcast


Tiny, white-owned burrito shop in Portland suddenly shuts down. You already know why. – TheBlaze

Some commenters in the Week article agreed with the “white folks profiting off the labor of people of color”

Debbie Wasserman Schultz warns police chief of ‘consequences’ for refusing to return her laptop – Hot Air Hot Air

According to a source who spoke to the Daily Caller, the laptop in question was used by Awan and was found “hidden in an unused crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building.” Wasserman Schultz’ office is in the Longworth building. seized the laptop believing it could be important to their investigation. Obviously, Wasserman Schultz is claiming the laptop belongs to her and therefore should be returned regardless of who was using it or what information might be on it.

Thursday, May 25 – Hour 2 Podcast


Interview Norm Robertson from ExpressPros.com

Jobs – Staffing Companies – Express Employment Professionals

Brand It Blue Day is Express Employment Professionals international day of volunteering. In and towns across North America, local Express offices team with their associates, clients and friends to help fill community food banks and pantries. Over the past four years, Express offices have donated more than 300,000 meals to non-profit organizations across North America through their efforts for Brand It Blue Day. Find out how your Express office will be involved.

Montana Assault Witness Changes Story, Says No Neck Grab | LifeZette

A who was a firsthand witness to an incident late Wednesday involving GOP candidate Greg and a reporter for the Guardian now admits she may have misstated some details of her initial story.

Biggest Day For Facebook News Was Buzzfeed’s Fake Dossier | The Daily Caller

The most viewed story on in the past year is the uncorroborated BuzzFeed piece on the dossier alleging that President Donald Trump engaged in illicit activities, including kinky sexual acts with Russian prostitutes, according to an Axios report.

Thursday, May 25 – Hour 1 Podcast


525 Foundation honors Savage brothers by doing random acts of kindness – 95.3 MNC

One man, Pete Redden, was discovered by 95.3 MNC’s at the Grape Road McDonalds in Mishawaka buying 25 sundaes to hand out to dining room customers.

525 Foundation | Education. Prevention.

Nick Savage was 19 years old, and his brother Jack was just 18 on June 14, 2015. On this day, they attended high school graduation parties, celebrating the milestone with all their friends and classmates. It was also the day these two brothers died. The reason for their passing: acute and oxycodone overdose.

Associated Press Terminates Melanie Plenda, Leftist Activist Hired to Sneak into KellyAnne Conway Event – Breitbart

Plenda snuck into a closed press New Hampshire GOP fundraiser featuring White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, President Trump’s successful campaign manager in 2016, in Nashua, New Hampshire. Her story about how she got into the event has changed multiple times, as Breitbart has documented, and she demonstrably inaccurately reported on the event’s crowd size.

Video: Fox News reporter describes Gianforte’s alleged assault of Guardian journalist – Hot Air Hot Air

And it’s entirely possible that he’ll still win, and not just because ‘s a deep red state. The early vote there is heavy, to the point where only a third to a quarter of all ballots will be cast today.