Monday, June 5 – Hour 2 Podcast


Michiana man traveling in London recalls aftermath of terror attack – 95.3 MNC

Disclaimer: Sam Tongue is an employee of Federated Media Digital.

Putin to Megyn Kelly: ‘Are You Completely Out of Your Mind?’ Suggests She Medicate For Her Trump-Russia Obsession (VIDEO)

Megyn Kelly was moderating discussion . Petersburg and decided to ask Putin Russian interference in 2016 U.S. election.

Fake News: NBC Issues Correction After Falsely Claiming Putin ‘Does Not Deny’ Having Compromising Info on Trump – Breitbart

CNBC, NBC’s sister station, did not send , linking to the same after tweeting, “‘s Putin denies having compromising information on Trump.”

Radio Host Barred From Monetizing YouTube Video Of Debbie Wasserman Schultz – The Burning Truth

I have submitted a dispute, but don’t hold out much hope of getting this overturned. Interestingly enough, I just watched the video and ads are still playing. I’m not sure if those ads will be removed, or if YouTube will still keep them on my video, but just not allow me to earn any commission on them.

Linda Sarsour Has Raised $80K For A Anti-Muslim Hate Crime | The Daily Caller

Activist Linda Sarsour has raised more than $80,000 for a Somali woman who claims she was attacked by a white man in a hate crime, but ‘s much more to the story, the two people accused of the hate attack tell The Daily Caller.

Monday, June 5 – Hour 1 Podcast


London terrorist had twice been referred to police over his extremist views

former friend of terrorist, who was shot dead by police along with two accomplices, claimed he had been radicalised while watching YouTube videos and said he contacted the authorities ­after becoming concerned over his friend’s extremist views.

London Terrorists Named: Known to Police, Born in Pakistan

Khuram Shazad Butt, 27, from Barking, was a British citizen born Pakistan. He was known to police and MI5, was under investigation since 2015, and was linked to notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary’s extremist network, as Breitbart reported Monday morning.

Teen Must Get $110 Business License to Cut Lawns for $20 – Hit & Run :

Alainna Parris, of Gardendale, Ala., was engaged in that bit of Americana this spring, offering to cut her neighbors’ lawns for $20, $30, or $40. She was, that is, until someone working for another lawn service threatened to report her to city officials for cutting lawns without a license, according to ABC 33/40 in Birmingham.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Admits Violating House Rules – Podcast


Wasserman Schultz goes until 23 minutes . After that ‘s breaking of Trump announcing withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord live as it . I’m not sure why the audio is . I only saved the segment, but enjoy history anyway.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has had busy few months. Election stuff aside, her employee is under criminal investigation for up to 80 Democrats in Congress, she still employs him, she threatened the captain of the Capital Police over the investigation, and now she admits she has been violating House cybersecurity rules for several years.

Of course, she blames the House IT team for her failure to abide by policy.


It’s Racist For White People To Make , Or Something – Podcast


This is from my that aired on May 25.

Amoebas , OR are outraged that two white women did what, literally, every chef in world does. They went to foreign country, loved the , learned how to make the food, then came home and opened a business serving that food.

The SJWs were outraged that these women, who did nothing wrong, were ‘culturally appropriating minorities. Apparently these women are white supremacists because they love tortillas.



FISA says ‘s was constantly breaking – Podcast

Former Director James headed the FBI during a when declassified documents and the says the FBI was constantly breaking the law, and violating the constitutional rights of Americans. The is still yapping about Russia without any , and be bothered to give this story any attention.

breaks down the activity that happened Comey’s FBI.