Thursday, June 15 – Hour 3 Podcast


Michigan Auto Dealership Says Local Panhandler Rejected Job Offer: ‘I Make More Money Than Any of You’ – Breitbart

A Brighton, MI auto dealership put out a sign discouraging people from giving money to a local panhandler after managers said they offered him a job that he turned down because it was less money than he was currently making, says a ClickonDetroit report.

Fox News Dropping ‘Fair and Balanced’ Slogan – Breitbart

The cable channel is reportedly set to drop its 20-year-old marketing slogan in an effort to distance itself from its former chief Roger Ailes, who invented it when he launched the network in 1996, according to New York magazine.

Powerball To Dump Illinois Over “Lack Of Budget” | Zero Hedge

As if Illinois didn’t have enough to worry about between an imminent downgrade to junk (as soon as July 1), soaring debt costs, insolvent pension funds, and roads that may soon resemble the lunar surface, today in the latest insult to a relentless series of injuries, the lottery itself is about to dump Illinois.

Scalise shooting update


Thursday, June 15 – Hour 2 Podcast


Conservative Comedy ‘Last Man Standing’ May Get Another Run – on CMT

“CMT may come to the rescue of another canceled ABC series. The Viacom-owned network is in preliminary talks to revive canceled Tim Allen comedy Last Man Standing. Insiders stress talks are in the early stages as CMT is exploring if it can revive the expensive show at a price point that works for the niche cable network.”

NFL Network Warns Staffers to Steer Clear of Politics on Social Media

As more and more sports fans call for members of the sports media to “stick to sports,” has leaked that the NFL Network is now warning employees to avoid talking about on their social media accounts.

Woman ‘made up sex attack claims against 15 men and sent innocent man to jail for 7 years’

Jemma Beale, 25, made false and sex assault claims against 15 different men — and sent an innocent man to jail for seven years, a court was told.

DNC Hackers Targeted Heritage Foundation With Phishing Hacks | The Daily Caller

TheDC has obtained a copy of that email, and former Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint confirmed the phishing attempts to TheDC on Tuesday. DeMint added that the hacking attempts (to his knowledge) were largely unsuccessful. DeMint said that the hackers targeted employees who were “outside” of Heritage’s firewall. DeMint added that they never had any indication that Russian hackers ever infiltrated Heritage’s internal computer systems.


Thursday, June 15 – Hour 1 Podcast


Eyewitness Video Of Congressional Baseball Shooting – Video – The Burning Truth

Here’s eyewitness video of the congressional baseball shooting that wounded Rep. Scalise and others yesterday.

The Disgusting Aftermath Of Alexandria Shooting – The Burning Truth

Fake News: New York Times Revives Debunked Lie About Sarah Palin – The Burning Truth

They haven’t learned anything from yesterday’s shooting of Rep. Scalise. Hodgkinson’s ‘Motive Is Still Unclear’

A motive is still unclear, and the FBI is investigating the incident. Slater, of the FBI, said it’s too soon to say whether the GOP lawmakers were targeted in a deliberate attack. “We’re exploring all angles,” Slater said.

New York Times Tipped Off Virginia Shooter to GOP Practice Field – Think Americana

CNN’s Kaye Repeats Debunked Claim Scalise Spoke to David Duke Group

Not mentioned was that back in 2015 it was already reported that the man who invited Scalise to speak in 2002 disputed the account that the congressman spoke to Duke’s group. The man who booked hotel space for the group’s convention, Kenny Knight, has claimed the event Scalise spoke to was a separate event for his local community group which he held in the same hotel as Duke’s group to take advantage of the available space. Additionally, a flyer for the convention shows no sign that Scalise was one of the scheduled speakers.


Monday, June 12 – Hour 3 Podcast


NEW JERSEY: School Alters Yearbook Photos to Remove Trump Clothing and Pro-Trump Quotes

A New Jersey school district is investigating why the photos of two high school were altered to remove President Donald ‘s name on clothing they wore.

N.J. teacher suspended over yearbook censorship of pro-Trump messages – Washington Times

A New Jersey high school has been suspended after pro-President Trump messages were Photoshopped and edited out of the school’s official yearbook.

Students Harassed in Futile Schoolwide Drug Raid File Civil Rights Lawsuit – Hit & Run :

The local sheriff’s department subjected 900 students at Worth County High School in Georgia to a warrantless (and fruitless) search for drugs in April; in the course of the raid, cops grabbed many teens’ breasts or genitalia. Now nine of those students, with the help of the Southern Center for Human Rights, have filed a in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Georgia, Albany Division, against Worth County Sheriff Jeff Hobby and several deputies.

We Could Have Had Cellphones Four Decades Earlier –

The basic idea of the cellphone was introduced to the public in 1945—not in Popular Mechanics or Science, but in the down-home Saturday Evening Post. Millions of citizens would soon be using “handie-talkies,” declared J.K. Jett, the head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Licenses would have to be issued, but that process “won’t be difficult.” The revolutionary technology, Jett promised in the story, would be formulated within months.

EXCLUSIVE: Border Patrol Agent was Kidnapped, FBI Leads Investigation

A leaked official document from the El Paso Sector Intelligence and Operations Center reveals that the injured off-duty who was discovered on the side of a roadway on June 9, 2017, is believed to have been prior to sustaining severe injuries to his “head, chest, and hands.” Breitbart Texas exclusively obtained the document from a trusted source operating under the umbrella of Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Monday, June 12 – Hour 2 Podcast


The Survivor Part 1

Australian Candice Hedge had her throat cut in the recent terror attacks in the heart of . She tells her story of strength and survival in an exclusive interview with Sunday Night.

American Express Distances Itself from Public Theater’s ‘Trump’-Stabbing ‘Julius Caesar’

American Express issued a statement Monday saying it does not provide funding to nor condone a controversial in the Park production of in which the -inspired main character is brutally stabbed to death on stage, after two of the production’s sponsors dropped their support this week.

Celebrities Call for Boycott of Delta, Bank of America after Companies Pull Funding from ‘Trump’ Stabbing Theater

Several Hollywood have called for a of Delta Air Lines and Bank of America after the two companies announced Sunday they would no longer sponsor the New York City Public Theater over a controversial staging of Julius Caesar in which a Trump look-alike is brutally murdered on stage.

Councilman Jamie O’Brien

St. Joseph County taxpayers beware . . . . “Bill No. 43-17 ESTABLISHING CUMMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND” is on the County Council’s agenda this coming Tuesday evening. If passed (and I believe it will pass unless there is herculean live opposition) it will result in an increase in the property tax levy and thus an increase in property taxes for many taxpayers in St. Joseph County. I also believe this will result in a reapportionment of the property tax pie that will reduce the amount of property taxes going to several of the school corporations. If you don’t want your taxes to increase then show up at the Council meeting Tuesday, June 13 at 600pm and speak up.

Monday, June 12 – Hour 1 Podcast


Nurses Sue Over Hostage, Rape Incident at Illinois Hospital

Four are suing a , the county he works for, and the company that provides security for a hospital in Illinois after a prison escaped while being treated, causing mayhem — including raping a nurse — before being shot and killed by police.

Pelosi Keeps Confusing George W. Bush With Donald Trump

House Minority Leader Nancy (D., Calif.) has confused President Donald  with former President George W. at least four times since Trump took office in January.

Threes Brewing, Brooklyn company, to release ‘Gender Neutral’ beer prior to NYC Pride March – Washington Times

Brooklyn-based Threes Brewing plans on capitalizing on thirsty members of the LGBT community this month with the June 22 release of a new lager called “Gender Neutral.” The flavor will debut at a “Human Rights are Gender Neutral” party in celebration of the city’s Pride Week.

More Footage of CNN’s Staged Protest at the London Bridge :: Grabien News

Narrator Claire Jordan walks viewers through the scene before filmed the ‘protest’