Monday, June 26 – Hour 2 Podcast


Harvard: California minimum wage hikes have led to major restaurant closings – Red Alert Politics

“We find suggestive evidence that a higher leads to overall increases in restaurant exit rates – depending on the specification, we find that a $1 increase in the minimum wage leads to approximately a 4 to 10 percent increase in the likelihood of exit,” Dara Lee Luca and Michael Luca wrote in the .

Shocking Study Shows $15 Minimum Wage Makes W | The Daily Caller

A study on the increasing minimum wage in Seattle, Wash., found that the low-income workers in the city actually have been losing an average of $125 per month since the hike went into effect.

Scary Attorney Ads Have Become a Legal Topic in Congress. | Story |

for attorneys have become big business for local broadcasters but there’s an effort in Congress to put new limits on how can advertise medical-related topics. The concern raised by the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice during a hearing on Friday is whether the attorneys’ commercials are frightening people to the point where they stop taking lifesaving drugs prescribed to them.

Michigan is one signature away from legalizing switchblade knives |

Such were outlawed decades ago.

John Oliver Slapped With Defamation Suit over This ‘Last Week Tonight’ Takedown of Coal Exec | Law News

The complaint also cites unnamed studies that said that the collapse was a “seismic event,” and “caused by what many would characterize as an earthquake.” It notes that when Murray got to the mine after the collapse, the University of Utah was saying that an earthquake had taken place less than five miles away from the mine.


Monday, June 26 – Hour 1 Podcast


Trump travel ban: Supreme Court reinstates key parts of executive order | Fox News

reinstates key parts of executive order Published June 26, 2017 Fox NOW PLAYING lifts injunction on In a victory for the administration, the Supreme Court on Monday lifted key components of an injunction against President Trump’s proposed ban on travel from six majority-Muslim nations, reinstating much of the policy and promising to hear full arguments as early as this fall.

UH OH! Here’s proof SCOTUS is ‘wise to how liberal activist groups operate’ –

The Supreme Court will hear the Trump administration’s “travel ban” appeal in the future, and until then it will be implemented:

Firearms Merchant Files Class Action Lawsuit | The Daily Caller

Blair Gladwin, owner of the California based Gladwin Guns and Ammo, filed three class action lawsuits last week against online payment processors PayPal, Stripe, and Square for singling out him and other firearms businesses.


Casey Calls Out Who Job After Being Told To Stop Trashing – Podcast


has resigned his position because he was repeatedly told to stop trashing President on his radio show. He refused, and chose to instead. He then ran to social media to plead his case for resigning.

Casey responds to Bruce Bond quitting, and claiming his liberal views are the reason behind the censorship.

Sorry Bruce, take it from another radio professional, you are in the wrong here.

Radio Host Quits Job After Being Told To Stop Criticizing Trump | The Daily Caller

The radio host shared photos on his Facebook wall of the letter the management sent him that told him that it is “not permissible” to talk disrespectfully of the president. Receiving backlash in the forms of emails, phone calls, and threats of boycotts, WTPA threatened Bond with the discontinuation of his show if he refused to comply.


Are Conservatives Rushing The Stage To Stop Going Too Far? – Podcast


More activists have rushed the stage at to stop the rendition of ‘.’

Now, some people on the right are saying that these activists are going too far by stopping the .

Casey discusses this issue with audience members to gauge how they feel about stopping the play.

‘Julius Caesar’ interrupted again by pro-Trump protesters | New York Post

The Public Theater’s anti- rendition of “Julius Caesar” was interrupted yet again on Sunday — with two protesters storming the stage this time, including one who shouted: “Liberal hate kills!”


My Monologue On The Congressional – Podcast


Several listeners contacted me and wanted me to give my monologue on the congressional baseball its own today.

I break down the violent political rhetoric that has infected the liberal base for nearly three decades, and how demonizing Republicans as racist, murderous, dictators was going to lead to the current state of violence that exists.

Listen to the full hour here.