Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 2 Podcast


Sarah Palin Sues New York Times for Defamation

“Today, took a stand against The Company by filing a which seeks to hold The Times accountable for stating that Governor Palin is part of a ‘sickeningly familiar pattern’ of politically motivated violence and that she incited the horrific 2011 shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords, a tragedy where the gunman seriously wounded numerous people and killed 6, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl,” Palin’s lawyers—Ken Turkel, Shane Vogt, and S. Preston Ricardo—said in a statement.


Fake News: New York Times Revives Debunked Lie About Sarah Palin – The Burning Truth

The New York Times knows it’s a lie that Palin incited the Giffords shooting, but they don’t care. The Washington Post still has writers spreading that filth too. They know Jared Loughner was a paranoid schizophrenic who abused drugs, had radical liberal views, and a long-standing obsession with Rep. Gabby Giffords. They aren’t interested in the truth. They are only interesting in demonizing the political right. Just like liberals attacked Rep. Scalise, Republicans, and the NRA immediately after yesterday’s shooting.

SLPC Silencing Anti-Jihadist Muslim Activists, Sued for Defamation | Truth Revolt

Maajid Nawaz runs , a London-based organization that aims to counter jihadism and extremism around the world. Nawaz, who considers himself a former Muslim radical (and still identifies as Muslim), is now fighting back against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has labeled his organization a “hate group” for its strong stance against radicalism.

Vice Media Retracts Two Reports On Donald Tru | The Daily Caller

retracted two stories about President Donald Wednesday, admitting that the stories fell apart after further scrutiny.

Report Sheds Light On ‘Hate Crime’ Attack On | The Daily Caller

A Muslim woman who was attacked by a stranger in Milwaukee in April told police that she did not believe that she was targeted because of her religion, a statement which is at odds with how her story was portrayed in the media by local and national Muslim civil rights groups.


Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 1 Podcast


CNN faced $100M lawsuit over botched Russia story | New York Post

The specter of a $100 million libel suit scared into retracting a poorly reported story that slimed an ally of President ‘s — and forcing out the staffers responsible for it, The Post has learned.

Buzzfeed: CNN Has a Sad After Fake News Scandal – Breitbart

CNN sources described a glum environment in the wake of the resignations, as staffers watched conservative commentators like Fox ‘ Sean Hannity revel in CNN’s pain.

CNN’s Van Jones Calls Russia A ‘Nothing Burge | The Daily Caller

CNN commentator  called the  story a “nothing burger” in the second CNN-related undercover video released by this week.

Indiana College Offers Certificate For SocJus | The Daily Caller

An college offers a “ Certificate” for students and faculty who take workshops on racism, privilege and safe spaces, Campus Reform reported Tuesday.

Plastic Bag Bans Are in Retreat Across the Country – Hit & Run :

In May the Minnesota legislature passed a state-wide preemption on bag bans, overturning Minneapolis’s local prohibition. Iowa did the same in April, and over the past year, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have all passed restrictions on local governments banning and taxing bags.


Tuesday, June 27 – Hour 3 Podcast


Fox News’ Sean Hannity Calls for CNN’s Jeff Zucker to be Fired in Wake of Fake News Scandal

Fox host Sean Hannity called for President Jeff Zucker to be fired Monday in the wake of a scandal embroiling the anti- network  that resulted in the resignation of three of its top journalists.

Gorka: O’Keefe CNN Video Fake News Scandal ‘Complete Vindication for the President’

Gorka congratulated undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe of for the video and said he felt “utter and complete vindication” after watching it.

Texan Trump Supporter Pays for Billboard Ripping ABC over Russia Coverage – Breitbart

A Donald Trump supporter in Texas has paid for a billboard attacking ABC News for its coverage of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

US Army Howitzer Trolls the World, Soldier Stamps ‘Covfefe’ on the Gun

A U.S. Army howitzer trolled the world after a soldier stamped ‘Covfefe’ onto the gun.

Tuesday, June 27 – Hour 2 Podcast


Operation Choke Point Targeted | The Daily Caller

House Judiciary Committee members plan to roll out legislation after the August recess to eliminate an Obama era initiative that pressured financial institutions to drop accounts with businesses the administration found to be reprehensible.

49 Counties Left With No Insurance Provider I | The Daily Caller

Some 49 counties across four states will be left without an insurance provider on the state exchanges and as many as 1,300 counties — approximately 40 percent of counties nationwide — could be left with only one insurance provider in 2018, CMS reports.

Study: News Networks Obsessed With Russia | The Daily Caller

They discovered that the networks devoted 353 minutes of airtime, or 55 percent of all coverage, to the investigation.

FLASHBACK: Priorities

The economy 26         Health care 20         National security 16         Immigration 13         Civil rights 12         Foreign policy 7         Other (vol.) 6

Redstone Arsenal lockdown lifted after ‘possible active shooter’ alert | Fox News

An apparent false “active shooter” call prompted a lengthy lockdown at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama on Tuesday, but the U.S. Army post’s gates were reopened later in the afternoon.

Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch Blast SCOTUS for Refusing to Hear Major Second Amendment Case – Hit & Run :

Today the U.S. declined to hear a major case out of California that asked whether the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms includes the right to carry firearms in public. By refusing to get involved, the Court left in place a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that denied constitutional recognition to the right to carry.


Tuesday, June 27 – Hour 1 Podcast


Tucker Carlson: CNN ‘No Longer’ a News Organization – ‘It Is a Campaign With a Political Mission’ – Breitbart

Carlson’s commentary was a reaction to ‘s retraction of a report claiming ally Anthony Scaramucci was connected to investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund. Earlier on Monday, the retraction had resulted in the resignations of three CNN journalists.

Project Veritas Undercover Investigation: CNN Producer Admits Network Hyping ‘Mostly Bullsh*t’ Trump-Russia Scandal for ‘Ratings’ – Breitbart

“Could be bullshit. I mean, it’s mostly bullshit right now,” the CNN producer, John Bonifield, said in a video O’Keefe’s released on Tuesday, when asked about his thoughts on the investigation. “Like, we don’t have any giant proof.

Hey @CNN when will you fire Zucker? He has destroyed the network with lies and VERY . 

Photo published for Exclusive — Donald Trump Jr: Jeff Zucker Must Address CNN's Very Fake News Scandal in On Camera...

Exclusive — Donald Trump Jr: Jeff Zucker Must Address CNN’s Very Fake Scandal in On Camera…

President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump, Jr., is calling on CNN president Jeff Zucker to appear before the American public and the media to personally account for and explain exactly what happened…

Gorka: O’Keefe CNN Video Fake News Scandal ‘Complete Vindication for the President’

Gorka congratulated undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe of Project Veritas for the video and said he felt “utter and complete vindication” after watching it.

Student Sentenced to Prison After Registering Dead People to Vote DEMOCRAT

“Spieles later admitted that he prepared the false voter registration forms by obtaining the name, age, and address of individuals from “walk sheets” provided to him by the Virginia Democratic Party, fabricating a birth date based on the ages listed in the walk sheet, and fabricating the social security numbers. Spieles admitted that he created all 18 fraudulent forms himself and that no one else participated in the crime.”

Green Energy Made Cyber-Attacks On Power Grid | The Daily Caller

A 2016 study by the Manhattan Institute found a grid designed to handle intermittent solar and wind power makes it more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Hacking attacks on grids have risen 60 percent a year for the last six years, and utilities are increasingly targeted by both malicious hackers and other countries.


Monday, June 26 – Hour 3 Podcast


CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia

by Friday night, the story was removed from ‘s website and all links were scrubbed from the network’s social media accounts.

Very Fake News: After Breitbart Investigation, CNN Retracts Conspiracy Theory Hit Piece Attacking Trump, Associates Over Russian Fund

As Breitbart noted in its original investigation into the demonstrably CNN hit piece, this supposed Senate investigation exists only among Democrats and not the actual Senate Intelligence Committee. Breitbart News noted in the original investigation:

DCNF Chief Calls Out Media Bias [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

“It’s journalism 101,” he said. “If you can’t confirm a story then you really shouldn’t run with it.”

Leaked CNN Memo: Top Execs to Review All Russia Stories After Very Fake News Retraction – Breitbart

‘s Deputy News Director Jon Passantino tweeted a screenshot of a leaked internal memo from Barbieri to CNN staff instructing them that all future -related stories must be cleared by him or the VP of Premium Content Video, Jason Farkas. The email, which was sent at 11:21 AM on Saturday, reads, “No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason [Farkas].” The memo continues, “This applied to social, video, editorial, and MoneyStream. No exceptions. I will lay out a workflow Monday.”

Supreme Court takes case on baker who refused to sell wedding cake to gay couple | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

The decided Monday that it will consider whether a baker who objects to same-sex marriage on religious grounds can refuse to make a for a gay couple.

Woman suspected of setting Iowa mosque on fire

Police in Iowa arrested a 22-year-old woman suspected of starting a small fire at an Iowa mosque Thursday morning.

EXCLUSIVE-U.S. warship stayed on deadly collision course …

The container ship steered hard to starboard (right) to avoid the warship, but hit the Fitzgerald 10 minutes later at 1:30 a.m., according to a copy of Captain Ronald Advincula’s report to Japanese ship owner Dainichi Investment Corporation that was seen by Reuters.

Freighter Was On Autopilot When It Hit US Destroyer

The deadly collision between a U.S. destroyer and a container ship June 17 took place while the freighter was on autopilot, according to Navy officials.