Tuesday, July 25 – Hour 2 Podcast


BREAKING: Appeals Court Strikes Down D.C. “Good Cause” Handgun Carry Ban – Firearms Policy Coalition

Today, the struck down Washington, D.C.’s ‘good cause’ handgun carry rule that plaintiffs in 2 cases argued constituted a ban on the right to keep and bear arms.

Snopes on the Verge of Collapse as They Beg For Money on GoFundMe

“We’re hoping [the $500K goal] can get us by until the end of the year,” he said, cautioning that specific dates or numbers hadn’t been thought out. “We’re just trying to cover operating expenses, ‘s all very standard: salaries, we have 16 staff that work at Snopes, various kinds of overhead, travel, that kind of thing. There’s no telling how much we’re going to have to end up frittering away on legal fees.”

San Jose businesswoman pleads guilty to H1-B visa fraud

A San Jose businesswoman who secured H1-B visas for skilled by telling immigration officials they had job offers from Cisco Systems Inc. when they did not has pleaded guilty to visa fraud, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Michigan fruit growers say ‘Trump effect’ is making their life harder | MLive.com

Migrant workers in the Great Lakes region were being paid an average of $12.28 an hour this spring, a 5.5 percent increase over the same time last year, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics.

Grades going up, SAT scores down: Experts say grade inflation is to blame – Red Alert Politics

A tougher SAT makes the painful rite of passage even more grueling, but it also makes it easier for colleges to differentiate between applicants. A more difficult test means that the bell curve of scores will be more spread out, making it easier for colleges to differentiate between candidates.


Tuesday, July 25 – Hour 1 Podcast


Here We Go: Senate to Vote on Whether to Proceed to Obamacare Replacement Bills – Guy Benson

The Senate can do so again now, and President Trump will use his pen to sign such legislation. The first step this time, the first vote we will soon take, is on whether or not to begin the debate at all.

Boehner Says He Used to ‘Sneak Into’ White House to See Obama

Former House Speaker John Boehner said at an event in Las Vegas last week that he used to “sneak into” the White House to see President Barack Obama to avoid scrutiny from the “right-wing press,” according to a report by the Washington Post, which obtained a videotape of Boehner’s remarks.

Boehner Predicts Republicans Will Never Repeal and Replace Obamacare – Breitbart

Boehner said, “Here we are, seven months into this year, and yet they’ve not passed this bill. Now, they’re never — they’re not going to repeal and replace Obamacare. ‘s been around too long. And the American people have gotten accustomed to it. Governors have gotten accustomed to this , and so trying to pull it back is really not going to work.”

The Obamacare Facts That Liberals Don’t Want You to Know

Roy wrote that “of the 22 million fewer people who will have health insurance in 2026 under the Senate [health care] bill, 16 million will voluntarily drop out of the market because they will no longer face a financial penalty for doing so: 73 percent of the total.”

$1.6 Million To Study Effects of Soda | The Daily Caller

The (NIH) awarded Augusta University physiologist Ruth Harris $1.6 million to study the health effects of soft drinks on people.

Hospital Roadblocks Gard’s Parents Wishes | The Daily Caller

Charlie Gard’s hospital opposed his parents’ last wish to take him home to die Tuesday, but Gard’s mom wants the dispute aired publicly.


Democrat Destroyed Hard Drives To Hide Evidence – Podcast


We’ve been covering the since the story broke in February. My frustration with the media ignoring the of a cyber breech of elected officials in American history is well known. Although, I do see Fox decided to give it a little airtime today … finally. The last time they gave it a day, O’Reilly was still on the air.

Today we learned that Awan destroyed hard drives, and the FBI are involved in the investigation, & Imran threatened the military couple that discovered the unusual IT hardware they were hiding in the garage.



Monday, July 24 – Hour 3 Podcast


Houston man must pay child support for kid that’s not his – Houston Chronicle

At the crux of why Cornejo must pay up is Texas’ family code, chapter 161, which states, even if you’re not the biological father, you still owe child support that accrued before the DNA test proves you’re not the father, Cornejo’s lawyer Cheryl Coleman told Chron.com.

Student ‘grades’ ex-girlfriend’s breakup letter with grammar edits, gets suspended by college – Red Alert Politics

A University of Central Florida student has been suspended for two semesters for grading and posting a letter of apology sent from his ex-girlfriend onto Twitter back in February, and she doesn’t even attend the school.

A ‘Locked’ Smart Gun Can Be Fired With Just $15 Worth of Magnets | WIRED

At the Defcon hacker conference later this week, a hacker who goes by the pseudonym Plore plans to show off a series of critical vulnerabilities he found in the Armatix IP1, a smart gunwhose German manufacturer Armatix has claimed its electronic security measures will “usher in a new era of gun safety.” Plore discovered, and demonstrated to WIRED at a remote Colorado firing range, that he could hack the gun with a disturbing variety of techniques, all captured in the video above.

MSNBC Wrongly Claims ‘Majority’ of Police Killings Hit ‘People of Color’

In fact, according to statistics compiled on police killings for 2015 and 2016, for those cases in which the victim’s race has been identified, more than half those killed were white.



Monday, July 24 – Hour 2 Podcast


Kat Von D’s company accused of disqualifying Kansas makeup artist from contest over pro-Trump views | Fox News

‘s definitely bigotry – it’s everything that they’re calling us, they’re doing,” Freeman told the newspaper. “It’s a huge case of hypocrisy.”

Suburban mom claims ‘combatant immunity’ in terror case | abc7chicago.com

Investigators say Salkicevic, a Bosnian Muslim refugee, wanted to “bury unbelievers alive” and bring death to infidels.

As Gas Prices Fall to 12-Year Low, Schumer Claims Gas Prices ‘Never Go Down’ :: Grabien News

Even as gas prices have fallen to the lowest point in years under , Senate Minority Leader is claiming the price of petrol has only gone up.

EXCLUSIVE: $2 Million Obama-Era Program Gets 17 People Jobs

A government-funded job training program that promised to turn hundreds of residents of Kentucky’s coal country into computer coders so far has spent $2 million to place 17 people in tech jobs and may have left others worse off, The Daily Signal has learned.

Michigan Gets Money to Help Homeowners, Uses it to Demolish Homes Instead – Hit & Run : Reason.com

The City of Detroit is now the subject of a federal grand jury investigation over its use of the HHF funds. And the Michigan ACLU and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund are suing Wayne County and the City of Detroit over illegally collected taxes and illegally seized houses.