Wednesday, August 2 – Hour 3 Podcast


They trashed their wedding photographer over a $125 fee, so a jury told them to pay her $1 million – The Washington Post

On Friday, a jury in Dallas decided that the tale of the ransomed wedding photos was not heartbreaking, and not even true.

USC Suspends Football Player for ‘Assault’ the ‘Victim’ Even Says Never Happened

In her statement about the incident, Katz insisted that it was the school that victimized her, not her boyfriend.

Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes now a person of interest in House Intelligence Committee unmasking investigation

Former Obama White House National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is now emerging as a person of interest in the House Intelligence Committee‘s unmasking investigation, according to a letter sent Tuesday by the committee to the National Security Agency (NSA). This adds Rhodes to the growing list of top Obama government officials who may have improperly unmasked Americans in communications intercepted overseas by the NSA, Circa has confirmed.

Bees Are Bouncing Back From Colony Collapse Disorder – Bloomberg

The number of U.S. honeybees, a critical component to , rose in 2017 from a year earlier, and deaths of the insects attributed to a mysterious malady that’s affected hives in North America and Europe declined, according a U.S. Department of Agriculture honeybee health survey released Tuesday.


Wednesday, August 2 – Hour 2 Podcast


Pentagon investigators find ‘security risks’ in government’s immigrant recruitment program, ‘infiltration’ feared | Fox News

Defense Department investigators have discovered “potential security risks” in a Pentagon program that has enrolled more than 10,000 foreign-born individuals into the U.S. armed forces since 2009, Fox has learned exclusively, with sources on Capitol Hill and at expressing alarm over “foreign infiltration” and enrollees now unaccounted for.

Federal Appeals Court vacates South Bend Police tapes case – 95.3 MNC

The Appeals Court made no determination on whether the recording of the tapes violated the Wiretap Act. Instead, it ruled that the matter must be resolved in state rather than federal court.

Lynch elementary schools will lose the ‘Lynch’ due to racial implications |

The national movement to change racially offensive names of buildings, sports teams and landmarks will soon touch a group of schools in southeast . Lynch Meadows, Lynch Wood and Lynch View elementary schools will shed their “Lynch” before the upcoming school year in response to growing concern about the word’s racial connotations.

VIDEO: New York Deputies Knock on Vietnam Vet’s Door, Confiscate Guns

A 70-year-old said he was watching television in his Taberg, New York, home when deputies knocked on his door, then entered and confiscated his firearms.

Brain ‘on switch’ for burning fat after meal discovered by scientists | The Independent

The new study helps solve the puzzle of how the body chooses to burn or store fat, and how it makes use of the energy from food that people eat.


Wednesday, August 2 – Hour 1 Podcast


San Francisco Bureaucrats Ban Sand at Playgrounds – Hit & Run :

Don’t bother bringing a plastic shovel when you head to a San Francisco playground with the kids. The city is eliminating from all of its local playgrounds.

Mercedes drops contractor in wake of CBS News investigation – CBS News

Mercedes-Benz banned a from its plant in , , after an CBS  investigation found that foreign workers had obtained visas on the basis of roles substantially different from those they ended up occupying.

How Trump Could Force Congress and Its Staff to Live Under Obamacare

I don’t think the president should use this as a threat to get Congress to repeal. I think he should just do it. The funds are not drawn from any statutory authority. could have Congress in a very, very difficult spot.


Tuesday, August 1 – Hour 3 Podcast


Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery  in ‘most severe ever’ rationing in the NHS

Mr Hopson called for a “realistic national conversation” about how much should be spent on the health service, and said that if procedures had to be restricted, the reduction should be managed on an NHS-wide basis.

Australia Weather Bureau Caught Tampering With Climate Numbers – The Burning Truth

They are still doing what we caught them doing years ago with Climategate I and Climategate II. Only now, it’s automatically built into their systems.

Switchblade knives made legal in bill signed by Gov. Rick Snyder |

A statewide ban on switchblades will be lifted under legislation signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder Thursday.

Star Trek Fan Fights for ASIMIL8 License Plat | The Daily Caller

Star Trek Nick Troller is fighting the Canadian province of ‘s decision to censor his license plate. It reads “ASIMIL8” and that was deemed offensive to “Indigenous groups,” the latest terminology to describe natives.

School District To Offer Retention Bonus | The Daily Caller

The Indianapolis Public School District (IPS) and the Indianapolis Education Association (IEA) have reached an agreement to give teachers a $5,000 bonus for staying through the closure of the three buildings.

Pew: Most Americans Say Democratic Party Has Become Too Statist

A recent poll by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans say the Democratic Party “too often sees government as the only way to solve problems.”


Tuesday, August 1 – Hour 2 Podcast


Interview: David Mann

David is a lifelong resident of Southwestern Michigan and absolutely loves the people and culture of the .

Chicago Cubs Give Series Ring To Bartman | The Daily Caller

“On behalf of the entire Chicago Cubs organization, we are honored to present a 2016 World Series Championship Ring to Mr. ,” the Cubs said in a statement. “We hope this provides closure on an unfortunate chapter of the story that has perpetuated throughout our quest to win a long-awaited . While no gesture can fully lift the public burden he has endured for more than a decade, we felt it was important Steve knows he has been and continues to be fully embraced by this organization.”

DOD Gave $1.2 Million In Military Equipment To ‘Fake Law Enforcement’ – The Burning Truth

The Department of Defense gave about $1.2 million worth of military equipment to a phony agency, according to a new report.

Here’s the COMPLETE LIST of the 30 Democrats Who Hired the Criminal Awan Brothers for IT Services

Here is the complete list of 30 Democrats who hired the Awan brothers for IT services:

DWS IT Aide Moved Money To Pakistan | The Daily Caller

Imran Awan, a congressional aide arrested by the FBI after wiring $300,000 to Pakistan and misrepresenting the purpose, had previously wired money to the country and was frantically liquidating multiple real estate properties on the day he was arrested, The Daily Caller Foundation Investigative Group has learned.