Thursday, Sept. 7 – Hour 1 Podcast


Irma on track to be costliest Atlantic storm ever: analyst

Hurricane Irma could be the costliest storm ever to form in the Atlantic Ocean as it is on track to blast through some of the most expensive properties in Florida, a disaster analyst said Thursday.

Indiana proposes work mandate for state health coverage | Local |

The state has offered job-search and employment training programs to Healthy Indiana Plan members since 2015. However, state records show that fewer than 600 individuals attended the work program during its first 15 months of operation.

The House ethics committee on Monday outlined its charges against Rep. Maxine Waters, who is accused of helping a bank in which her husband owned stock secure federal bailout funds.

The House ethics committee on Monday outlined its charges against Rep. Maxine Waters, who is accused of helping a bank in which her husband owned stock secure federal bailout funds.

Wednesday, August 30 – Hour 3 Podcast


Indiana files lawsuit to defend its new online sales tax law – 95.3 MNC

Indiana has filed a in defense of a new law that would allow the state to collect from .

Internet Sales Tax | WE R HERE Coalition

Online commerce has revolutionized American small business by allowing a Main Street store anywhere to become a Main Street store everywhere.   Americans benefit from wider shopping choices and competing prices online.  Small online in thousands of U.S. communities are growing and creating jobs in their hometowns.

US economic growth revised up to 3 percent in Q2

The U.S. economy rebounded sharply in the spring, growing at the fastest pace in more than two years amid brisk consumer spending on autos and other goods.

Maryland School Bans Redskins Gear | The Daily Caller

School, a private elementary school in Bethesda, Maryland, has banned students and staff from wearing gear when the new school year starts next week.


Wednesday, August 30 – Hour 2 Podcast


Lawyers Demand EPA Turn Over Internal Docs | The Daily Caller

A public interest law firm is asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to hand over an internal report identifying employees who downloaded encrypted messaging apps on their mobile phones.

FLASHBACK: Fake News: New York Times Revives Debunked Lie About Sarah Palin – The Burning Truth

knows it’s a lie that Palin incited the Giffords shooting, but they don’t care.

Judge dismisses Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against New York Times – Aug. 29, 2017

“Nowhere is political journalism so free, so robust, or perhaps so rowdy as in the United States,” Jed Rakoff wrote in an opinion dismissing the case. “In the exercise of that freedom, mistakes will be made, some of which will be hurtful to others.”

Berkeley Mayor: Time to Classify Antifa as a Street Gang – Breitbart

“I think we should classify them as a ,” said Arreguin. “They come dressed in uniforms. They have weapons, almost like a and I think we need to think about that in terms of our law enforcement approach.”

Nancy Pelosi Finally Condemns Antifa | Truth Revolt

“Our democracy has no room for inciting or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts. The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.


Wednesday, August 30 – Hour 1 Podcast


U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly is selling stock in family business that outsources to Mexico – 95.3 MNC

An who is a longtime critic of says he’s finalizing his sale of stock in a that operates a factory in .

Trump Staff Turnover Normal, Abnormal: Too Soon to Tell | National Review

The average turnover rate at the end of each president’s first term is 72 percent, meaning that an average of 44 staffers leave the in the first four years.

Clinton’s Failed First Year As President | The Daily Caller

Harvey’s death toll climbs in Texas; at least 21 killed | Fox News

Crews in Texas have found the bodies of 21 victims of Harvey’s wrath, and warned on Wednesday that the number of dead would almost certainly rise as water levels across much of the Houston area start to recede.

Flood Victim Cusses Out CNN for Shoving Microphone, Camera in Face | Truth Revolt

“We walked through four feet of water to go get them food on the first day. Yeah, that’s a lot of shit. But y’all sit here, y’all trying to interview people during their worst times — like that’s not the smartest thing to do. Like people are really breaking down and y’all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what the fuck is wrong with us.”


Tuesday, August 29 – Hour3 Podcast


Ford To Abandon “Traditional Credit Scores” For Underwriting Decisions As Sales Stall | Zero Hedge

Maybe we’re exaggerating a little, but according to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, Ford Credit “has decided to change its approval process to look beyond credit scores in an effort to pump up sales.”  Which is a genius strategy if we understand it correctly.

California Democrats are Losing Their Minds over President Trump’s Mental Health – Breitbart

Rep. Zoe Lofgren last week introduced a congressional resolution urging Trump to seek a medical and psychiatric evaluation to determine if he is unfit for the office. Rep. Jackie Speier called for invoking the 25th Amendment — which empowers the vice president and Cabinet to remove a president who is incapable of serving — after a press conference from Trump Tower in which the president appeared to equate white supremacists with counter-protesters. Both followed on the heels of Rep. Ted Lieu’s push for legislation requiring a psychiatrist at the .

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg namedropped for Presidential run in 2020 – 95.3 MNC

Speculation about the 2020 Presidential race is already ramping up for the Democratic Party, and one name up for speculation stands out locally.

First Grader Sent to Principal for Calling Transgender Student Wrong Pronoun | Truth Revolt

“There was a little girl who had been in class with the little boy all last year,” said Karen England, the executive director of Capitol Resource Institute which is speaking on behalf of the girl’s family. “They’re in different classes now, but she saw him on the playground yesterday and called him by his name. The little girl was told ‘you can’t do that, his name is this name,’ and ‘you need to call him a “her.”’ Then she was called to the principal’s office.”

After Kindergarten Trans Discussion, ‘My Daughter Came Home Shaking’

Angry parents stampeded a California charter school board meeting Monday after a teacher read her kindergarten class picture books about transgenderism to affirm a gender dysphoric classmate. During the class, parents say, the gender dysphoric boy also switched clothes to look more like a girl in a “gender reveal.”


Tuesday, August 29 – Hour 2 Podcast


In Brutal Takedown, Judge Boots #BernieBackers Fraud Lawsuit Out of Court | Law News

The Plaintiffs asserting each of these causes of action specifically allege that they donated to the DNC or to ‘s campaign.  But not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC’s charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations. And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC’s charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint (DE 8). Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing.

Liberals attack restaurant for adding ‘minimum wage surcharge’ on receipt – Red Alert Politics

Social justice warriors lashed out against one of the most successful restaurant conglomerates in the nation over a new surcharge instituted at one of its chains.

(2) Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host – Home

EPA Mismanaged A Program To Insolvency | The Daily Caller

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) botched the operation of its Voluntary Leave Bank Program, making federal investigators question the program’s solvency and integrity, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported Monday.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News

Leave it to the federal government to make a costly mistake, obscure it for decades at taxpayer expense, and then try to claim it was a success.

Free college is more expensive than Oregon planned – Red Alert Politics

Last year, declared free tuition for new students at community colleges. This year, the state is walking back its promises.