Thursday, Sept 14 – Hour 1 Podcast


White House Spox Refutes Pelosi-Schumer Statement – Excluding Border Wall Not Agreed To

sent out a tweet after Pelosi and Schumer issued a statement. She said, “While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.”

WH leg affairs director Marc Short calls Dems’ DACA statement “misleading,” says no deal on DACA or border wall $$ was reached tonight.

No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote.

“Ultimately, we have to have the wall. If we don’t have the wall, we’re doing nothing,” Pres. Trump says 

Trump: ‘The Wall Will Come Later’ | The Daily Caller

“The wall will come later,” Trump told reporters as he prepared to depart for Florida. “We’re right now renovating large sections of wall, massive sections, making it brand new. We’re doing a lot of renovations, we’re building four different samples of the wall to see which one we’re going to choose, and the wall is going to be built, it will be funded a little bit later.”

Trump Says No Citizenship For ‘Dreamers& | The Daily Caller

“We’re not looking at citizenship. We’re not looking at amnesty,” Trump told reporters before traveling to Florida to survey hurricane damage, reports MSNBC. “We’re looking at allowing people to stay here.”

House Agrees To $1.6 Billion For Border | The Daily Caller

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that will provide $1.2 trillion to fund the government past Sept. 30, and will allocate $1.6 billion towards President ‘s border wall.

Trump Has Reduced Immigration Without Lifting | The Daily Caller

Back in April, I reported that the monthly Household Survey report showed year-over-year growth in the immigrant population (legal and illegal, the government Doesn’t Ask) had completely stalled since Trump’s election.

Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Hour 3 Podcast


Hands On with the TSA’s New ‘Enhanced’ Pat-Down Procedure | The Weekly Standard

Well, since you asked, the agent runs his hand inside a passenger’s waistband and also runs his hand up the back of each leg until he “meets resistance” and then does the same from the front of each leg. And then the TSA agent swipes the front of his hands 3 or 4 times right over the zipper area of one’s Gap Outlet comfort-stretch khakis. That last part was the most unpleasant.

Credit Cards, Foreign Girlfriends at Center of Menendez Trial Day Three

Thousands of American Express points and a Florida doctor’s two Latin American “friends” were the focus of the proceedings in Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D., N.J.) corruption trial Monday.

‘Where are the horns?’ Scumbags spew venom at Eric Trump and newborn son –

The birth of a child is possibly life’s greatest and most beautiful blessing. Unfortunately, for some people, it’s also an occasion to spew venom.

South Bend kindergartner claims she was sexually assaulted on school bus – 95.3 MNC

kindergarten  in South Bend claims that she was sexually assaulted on the bus by another child on the way home from school last week.

Indiana officials consider ridding state of handgun carry licenses | Public Safety |

Police officials in Indiana say a proposal to eliminate the state’s handgun carry license requirement for civilians could result in a loss of revenue.

Seattle mayor’s cousin accuses him of sexual abuse –

Hours after the allegations surface, Murray announced plans to resign Wednesday.


Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Hour 2 Podcast


GOP senator demands cap on ex-presidents’ payments – Washington Times

Sen. Joni Ernst, Iowa Republican, said that while presidents should keep getting taxpayer-funded security details, they don’t need the more than $1 million in pensions and office equipment that former Presidents Obama and George W. Bush are each expected to cost in 2018.

Reed College course lectures canceled after student protesters interrupt class to protest Eurocentrism

Among activists’ sticking points, especially for a group of students called Reedies Against , was Hum 110. The course, which faces a curricular and pedagogical review every 10 years but has maintained a fundamentally Western orientation, is simply too white, too male and too Eurocentric, critics charged, especially for a course required of all students. Moreover, the activists said, Hum 110 largely ignores how these works may have been used over time to perpetuate violence against people of color.

Chatbot Lets You Sue Equifax With A Click | The Daily Caller

Thanks to a unique computer program, people affected by the massive breach can sue the credit assessment company by clicking a few buttons.

What can I help you with?

Equifax says stock-selling executives were unaware of breached data

“[The executives] had no knowledge that an intrusion had occurred at the time they sold their shares,” Equifax said in a statement.

Cruz: Staffer ‘Liked’ Incest Porn T | The Daily Caller

Sen. Ted Cruz said Tuesday that one of his staffers “inadvertently” liked a tweet showing porn and that the issue is being dealt with internally.

Ted Cruz handles accidental porn like in the best way possible –

Sen. just responded to the accidental like of a hardcore porn video on his @TedCruz account last night in the best way possible — with humor:


Tuesday, Sept. 12 – Hour 1 Podcast


Apple finally reveals its best ever smartphone with FaceID | Daily Mail Online

The $999 (£999 in the UK) X features an edge-to-edge display with richer colours, and called Face ID that allows users to unlock the phone without the need for a or physical home button.

National Guardsman accused of threatening to kill Pence | New York Post

A 22-year-old from Pennsylvania was accused of threatening to kill Vice President Mike Pence, officials said.

Liberal University Hacks Take Down 9-11 Remembrance Flags – Honor “Those Killed and Displaced” By ‘So-Called’ War on Terror

Some far left hack removed US flags commemorating those Americans and foreigners killed on 9-11.

September 11th Memorial at Notre Dame Chalked With Anti-War Graffiti

The University of Notre Dame‘s  chapter had a surprise waiting for them when they went to set up their annual “9/11: Never Forget” memorial on the campus quad. A chalked anti-war message was left on the sidewalk to counter-act their display.


Thursday, Sept. 7 – Hour 3 Podcast


Amazon To Open Second Headquarters, HQ2 | The Daily Caller

Amazon announced Thursday that it is opening a second company headquarters somewhere in North America, and will decide based on ‘ ability to prove their respective worth.

Study Breaks Narrative On Discrimination | The Daily Caller

Only 25 percent of participants said they experienced discrimination, while 75 percent said they either had not experienced it or experienced discrimination rarely.


Thursday, Sept. 7 – Hour 2 Podcast


Menendez Trial Could Have Big Impact on the Balance of Power in the U.S. Senate | NTK Network

“[Menendez] replacement, at least until January, would be named by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a Republican and ally of President . That would add to the Republicans’ 52-48 Senate majority only months after their bid to repeal former President ‘s signature healthcare law failed by a single vote.”

Oops: NYT Caught Omitting ‘Democrat’ in Story About Corrupt Senator | Truth Revolt

The New York Times conveniently left out the party affiliation of a corrupt Senator who is facing bribery charges. With all of the scrupulous details about the upcoming trial included in the lengthy piece, the report somehow failed to mention that New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez is a Democrat. Hours later, that crucial detail was added — waaaay down in the fourth paragraph.

NBC, AP Publish Article Saying Crooked Democrat Menendez on Trial in New Jersey Is a Republican

The AP and NBC both tweeted out a story that is a Republican.

A few minutes into the Menendez trial, the judge told a Menendez lawyer to “shut up.” This is going to be interesting

Menendez trial an attack on Hispanic Americans, says co-defendant’s lawyer

The second day of U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez’s federal corruption trial concluded Thursday after an attorney for Menendez’s co-defendant accused prosecutors of attacking Hispanic-Americans, and the judge warned attorneys on both sides not to turn the proceeding into a “tabloid trial.”

Conservatives sign letter warning media against Southern Poverty Law Center | Fox News

The letter calls the SPLC a “discredited, left-wing political activist organization that seeks to silence its political opponents with a ‘hate group’ label of its own invention.”

Southern ‘Poverty’ Law Center is Anything But: $320 Million in Assets, 20% Invested Overseas | Truth Revolt

The Southern Poverty Law Center invests almost 20 percent of its nearly $320 million endowment fund in offshore equities and other investments. The 2016 annual report of the Alabama-based civil rights organization reports $69,093,576 of “non-U.S. equity funds” among the assets comprising the total endowment fund of $319,283,961, a fund the SPLC describes as a “plan for the day when nonprofits like the SPLC can no longer afford to solicit support through the mail because of rising postage and printing costs.” (Given that 2016 contributions topped $45 million, that day has not yet arrived.)

Court Upholds Prayers Before Gov Meetings | The Daily Caller

A federal court ruled in favor of invocations before government meetings Wednesday, overturning a previous decision that said such prayer is unconstitutional.