Wednesday, January 10 – Hour 1 Podcast

Sen. Feinstein releases Fusion GPS testimony.

Trump attorney files lawsuits against Fusion GPS and Buzzfeed.

Fusion GPS admits Sen. McCain was involved.

Utilities are cutting rates because of GOP tax cuts.

GOP representative commits suicide after sex assault accusations.


Tuesday, January 9 – Hour 3 Podcast

Bernie Sanders peddles Patriotic Millionaire hypocrites on Twitter.

Flashback to Patriotic Millionaires refusing to pay more in taxes.

Tim Horton employees upset they are losing benefits because of minimum wage hike. Will have to pay for health care.

Is it ok to use terms like ‘sweetheart?’


Tuesday, January 9 – Hour 2 Podcast

Pain medicine linked to low male fertility rates.

10 ridiculous things labeled as racist in 2017.

Christopher Steele referred for criminal investigation.

Regulations at lowest count ever under Trump.