Tuesday, January 16 – Hour 1 Podcast

Another false missile alert. This time in Japan.

In July, 2017 who sent missile alert had their photographed for an article.

given a by Afghans.

Survey shows US media rated as most biased in the world.

90% of of Trump in 2017 was negative.

WaPo put reporter on leave for strategizing with Democrat group.

Daily Beast reporter fired for plagiarism.


Thursday, January 11 – Hour 3 Podcast

Indiana looking at Sunday alcohol sales again.

Mishawaka will want another funding referendum in five years.

Sen. Feinstein’s story about Fusion GPS release keeps changing.

Project Veritas’ second video exposing Twitter bias.


Thursday, January 11 – Hour 2 Podcast

Death of Michigan girl has details released.

Seattle’s minimum wage has killed the Subway $5 footlong.

Seattle sugar tax nearly doubles the cost of Gatorade.

College students try to guess if it was in the Communist Manifesto or the Democratic platform.

Woman returns dead Christmas tree to Costco.

Liberals are ordering the wrong Fire and Fury book.