Tuesday, May 29 – Hour 3

Retired teacher who ‘corrected’ President Trump’s grammar is REALLY bad at grammar herself.

Remember, proper grammar has been ruled racist folks.

The media steps in it again by falsely attributing migrant kids in cage to Trump when it was from 2014.

FBI agents who want to testify against Comey afraid of retaliation.

FBI won’t release details of settlement in case that involved retribution against whistleblowers.

North Korean summit looks like it’s on again, and the media is losing their minds.

Tuesday, May 29 – Hour 2

Terrorist kills police officers in .

teacher arrested for plotting .

Another televangelist wants an airplane.

is the next health … not.

Researchers say artificial sweeteners aren’t bad for you.

Man holds an umbrella over Marine cadet’s head.

OKC shooter was gunned down by two armed citizens.

Thief who was shot sues.

Tuesday, May 29 – Hour 1

canceled after Roseanne’s controversial tweets.

A bakery fired two people for refusing to serve woman after closing time.

High school game doesn’t play the National Anthem so the crowd sang it instead.

The Media Fuels And Mass Shootings, Not Guns, According To The Research

For years I’ve pointed out the research showing media of leads to more violence, and specifically, their coverage of school/mass shootings leads to more of those incidents.

The research is undeniable, spans all stated ideologies, is from prestigious researchers, and has long-standing reduplicated results.

The media doesn’t want you to know this fact. They actively hide it and attack those who expose it by pretending to be ‘offended’ at such a gruesome claim. Fact is, newsrooms are energized by these tragedies. They exploit them, promote them, squeeze every last second of coverage out of them, and use the resulting traffic they get to sell more ads.

sells. Yes, there are those with ideological interests in covering these stories a certain way, but at the end of the day, this is a business that needs money to survive.