Tuesday, June 12 – Hour 3

Rep. Jackie Walorski falsely stated that H.R. 3 would cut healthcare for children in the CHIP program.

Daily Beast editor who celebrated Obamacare is now really upset at how much it costs her.

President Trump is wooing black voters.


Tuesday, June 12 – Hour 2

Rafael Nadal obliterates interviewer’s question about gender pay gap in tennis.

WNBA found a way to increase attendance … show men’s sports.

Seattle to repeal stupid ‘head tax’ less than a month after unanimously passing it.

Democratic congressional candidate in Colorado says AR-15 rounds can’t penetrate Elk hide.

FDA officially petitioned to consider eggs healthy.


Tuesday, June 12 – Hour 1

What happened at the summit with North Korea?

How did the US media embarrass themselves with their coverage of it now?

Maine implemented a new, stupid, election system.


Monday, June 11 – Hour 3

US puts more sanctions on Russia.

President Trump supports Marijuana Federalism Bill.

Judge blocks Indiana voter roll law.

SCOTUS upholds Ohio voter roll law.

South Bend magically finds $250k to hire California firm to study why minority contractors aren’t hired for city contracts.

Monday, June 11 – Hour 2

Imran Awan is now working for his attorney’s firm.

Iran admits involvement with 9/11.

Secret Service agent who did Marjory Stoneman threat assessment identified.

Pulse Nightclub victims sue.

Net Neutrality officially dead today.

Democrats finally admit I was right about Net Neutrality being about prices controls, not freedom.

Monday, June 11 – Hour 1

Casey explains what actually happened at the G7.

The MSM distorted a photo of G7 leaders.

Blame Canada!

Indiana GOP keeps marriage between a man and a woman in platform.