Monday, July 16 – Hour 3

Everyone is upset about how President Trump handled himself in Russia, but no one has said what he should have done differently besides cause an international incident.

Monday, July 16 – Hour 1

SJWs were wrong again about Chicago police shooting. Suspect was armed and drew on officers.

Remember when Blockbuster had a chance to buy Netflix?

Openbook looks to be the new privacy-friendly Facebook alternative.

Another Accuser Comes Forward Against Curtis Hill

AG (Republican) has been accused by several women, mostly Democrats, of groping them at a bar at the end of the last legislative session. He vehemently denies the allegations. Finally, a Republican woman has come forward to accuse Hill.

I would like to point out that the IG is investigating, and I believe Hill deserves to have the investigation play out. After all, the IG has just cleared a parks official at the federal level of a false claim.