Monday, August 6 – Hour 3

Good guy with a gun prevents a in back to school event.

Government funded research discovers basic .

Anti-gun hired armed security for anti-NRA protest.

Parkland shooter requested help but the school district didn’t provide it.

FBI violated rules to have keep feeding them information after the election and after he had been fired by the FBI.

FBI logged a cyber-security intrusion request one day after the election. After the investigation had been closed.

New Documents: Hillary hid the existence of a second email server from the FBI, the one she used on, then negotiated with the DOJ on what she would show them.

Turns out a ‘racist’ doll was just a group of kids (diverse races) playing a prank.


Monday, August 6 – Hour 2

Hospital allegedly performed C-section without anaesthesia and offered $25 gift card as a make-good.

Apple, , and take Alex Jones/Infowars off their platforms.

Apple still supports the app that has anti-Semite speeches though.

exposes Richard Spenser as a leftist pretending to be right-wing.

Man spiked girlfriend’s drink with -inducing drug and is convicted of .

continues to fight the DOJ and .


Wednesday, August 1 – Hour 3

Democrat Senator gets embarrassed by ICE official.

robbery suspects are all illegal immigrants.

Discussion of politicians who lack basic knowledge being responsible for the laws of the country.