Tuesday, March 5 – Hour 3

mayoral candidate is arrested.

NYPD is bad at public relations.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might go to jail.

84-year old widow threatened with eviction for running a bible study.

Casey supports #birthstrikers who say climate change is too dire to have babies.


Tuesday, March 5 – Hour 2

A 10-year study says no link to vaccines and autism.

John Stossel interviews those 3 researchers who submitted papers to science journals I told you about months ago.

Second person cured of HIV.

The World Wildlife Fund is accused of employing murder and rape squads.


The Challenge Is A YOU Made Viral

I know, I know … you totally know someone who’d never lie to you who says it’s real. Problem is that even says it isn’t real. No one is reporting these videos of a 3-year-old meme.

The image has been around for years but no one is ‘hacking’ YouTube videos on legitimate channels to splice in violent messages to your kids.