Wednesday, May 1 – Hour 3

AG Barr to probe Clinton campaign for paying foreign agents for Steele

Mueller said he wouldn’t charge Trump if he weren’t president either

shuts down

Brian ‘Tip ‘Oh The ‘ Williams calls Lindsey Graham a liar for making an accurate statement

NY Times thinks men should work less to lessen the mythical wage gap

Facebook Dating to have ‘Secret Crush’ feature and what could go wrong?


Earth Day Predictions That Were All A Load Of Crap

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When Earth Day was founded, they made a bunch of dire climate predictions that were promoted as the ‘consensus’ of climate scientists. Sound familiar? None of these predictions came true. They were complete nonsense.

Every year, Casey goes over a short list of these failed predictions to remind everyone that the so-called ‘consensus’ on climate issues has routinely been a lie and their fear-mongering predictions have all not come to pass.