There Is Lots Of Positive The Media Isn’t Telling You – March 23 Hour 1

Gov. Holcomb announces new measures to combat COVID-19 spread

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issues ‘stay at home’ order for Michigan, effective at midnight

Michigan distillers cleared to produce hand sanitizer to help with COVID-19 response

What took so long?

New York State to Begin Trials on Possible Wuhan Virus Treatment as Some on the Left Keep Scoffing

‘Lost’ Actor Who Tested Positive For Coronavirus Says Trump-Touted Drug ‘Secret Weapon’ To His Recovery

Coronavirus Victim, 52, Said Good-Bye To Family, Prepared to Die; Says Hydroxychloroquine Saved His Life

Israeli Pharmaceutical Company Donates 6 Million Doses of Chloroquine to US to treat Coronavirus

Jesse Watters Debunks Media Lies About President Trump’s Coronavirus Response


Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 14

Hour 1

Trump’s Constitutionally Dubious Claim — Says The President Has ‘Total’ Authority To Reopen The Economy

New York Times admits using different standards on Biden, Kavanaugh sexual misconduct allegations

NYT Executive Editor Appears To Admit Edit On Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Came After Pressure From Biden Campaign

Hour 2

Christian Baker Sued for THIRD Time After Refusing to Bake ‘Gender Transition’ Cake

Hilarity Ensues When Liberals Go Gun Shopping

Mnuchin: Task force to re-open economy will have 100 members targeting May 1 opening

Report suggests that more than 25% of mail-in ballots fail

Hour 3

CNN Fails to Place One Show in Top 20 During Q1 of 2020

You Vote: Judge Dr. Fauci’s performance during the pandemic

Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 13

Hour 1

George Stephanopoulos Tests Positive for Coronavirus

The Worst Governor in America

Lawmakers Skewer Michigan Governor for Latest Coronavirus Order

Online petition to recall Michigan governor receives more than 150,000 signatures

Fox News: IRS Announces First Wave of COVID-19 Stimulus Check Sent to Bank Accounts


Federal Tax Collections Were Up in March—Despite COVID-19 Shutdown; Total Taxes Set Record in First Half of FY2020

Surgeon General: We’re Working with Real Coronavirus Data Now, Not Models

Hour 2

Devin Nunes Expects More Criminal Referrals Stemming From Latest FISA Revelations

Not only is the NY Times telling you that inappropriately touching, hugging, kissing women at work is not sexual misconduct, they are lying about no other accusations. I’ve been telling you for a long time that there’s 8 accusers. 3 have been written about in the NY Times themselves.

All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden

FBI: SEIU Duped as 39 Million Masks ‘Found’ by Union Was Elaborate Fraud Scheme

I told you weeks ago this didn’t pass the smell test.

Hour 3

China’s telecom ‘trustworthiness’ under question, FCC commissioner tells Shannon Bream

FCC Announces $200 Million Telehealth Program

Chinese spies are trying to snoop on Zoom conversations, US intel experts say

African ambassadors complain to China over ‘discrimination’ in Guangzhou

China stifles coronavirus research in apparent bid to control narrative, analysts say

China Caught in the Act While Covering Up COVID, Deleted Chilling Wuhan News Article on New Cases

Wuhan lab was performing coronavirus experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated – with a £3m grant from the US

Mental Gymnastics: Liberal Magazine Says ‘Right-Wing Stunt’ Blaming WHO Was Actually Correct

Dr. Fauci on CCP Virus: ‘Incorrect Information Was Propagated Right From the Beginning’

CDC data suggests coronavirus may have been in California as early as December

Governors on East and West coasts form pacts to decide when to reopen economies




Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 10

New Whitmer order bans ‘travel between residences,’ with a few exceptions

Emergency Field Hospital Dismantled After Treating Zero Coronavirus Patients

NY County Finds Trump Delivered Not Only 200k Masks He Promised but 50k Extra in Just 2 Days

Report: Trump Pushing ‘Behind Closed Doors’ To Reopen Much Of U.S. Next Month

This Former Trump Official Has A Detailed Plan To Reopen The Economy And Get People Back To Work

US works to assure allies, deny allegations of seizing supplies in ‘mask wars’

Flashback: George W. Bush’s Prescient 2005 Warning and Leadership on Pandemics

William Barr Hints at Durham Probe’s Next Steps: After 2016, ‘Pattern’ of Feds ‘Sabotaging the Presidency’

IT BEGINS: Japan Pays Billions To Firms To Leave China, Relocate Production Elsewhere




Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 9

Hour 1

UK PM Boris Johnson Leaves Intensive Care, ‘Making Positive Steps, In Good Spirits’

Leading Model: Michigan Among 7 States Projected To Have Hit Its Peak

Israeli COVID-19 treatment shows 100% survival rate – preliminary data

Vaccine Developed by Israel Could Be Used by Those Boycotting It, BDS Co-founder Says

Wait…How Many Doctors Think Hydroxychloroquine Is Effective Against the Wuhan Coronavirus?

AG Barr calls coronavirus restrictions ‘draconian,’ says they should be reevaluated next month

Trump Was Right, Cuomo Was Wrong About Ventilator Needs

NYT Calls Out De Blasio, Cuomo For Coronavirus Failures; Readers: Thanks For Finally Saying Something

Harris Poll: 77% Blame China for Virus

Hour 2

Russia case footnotes to be declassified, exposing FBI concerns about Steele disinformation

Covid-19 link to 5G technology fueled by coordinated effort

As I’ve been saying for a year.

After Calling It An ‘Editing Mistake,’ CBSN Goes Right Ahead And Runs The Same Misleading Italian Hospital Footage

Hour 3

Senate Democrats block additional $250 billion for small business loans