Daily Show Prep: Friday, April 17

Hour 1

Michigan’s Emergency Stay-at-Home Order Is a Hot Mess. Now 4 Sheriffs Say They Won’t Be Enforcing Parts of It.


Tucker Exposes What’s Behind Governor Whitmer’s ‘Weird, Arbitrary Fascism’


‘No longer acting in a rational way’: GOP bills aim to strip Gretchen Whitmer’s emergency powers

Michigan residents sue Governor Whitmer over coronavirus pandemic orders


Hours 2 &3

Open lines

It’s called the ‘Deep State’ you bimbo.

Nurses suspended for refusing to treat coronavirus patients without N95 masks

HHS Says Elderly and Disabled Pandemic Patients Have Equal Rights

States cancel plans for extra hospitals as doomsday predictions fall short






Daily Show Prep: Thursday, April 16

Hour 1

Protests erupt outside Capitol over Beshear’s handling of pandemic, disrupting briefing

Replay: Vehicle protests at Michigan Capitol over Gov. Whitmer stay home order

Bombshell: Documents Show China Knew About Coronavirus Human-to-Human Transmission While Denying It to the World

WHO Chief Said In February Coronavirus Could Be ‘Controlled Easily’ And Praised Xi Jinping’s ‘Personal Leadership’


STUDY: CNN Airs Least of Coronavirus Briefings, Network Skips 7 Hours Over Past Two Weeks


Bloomberg Colluded w/China to Suppress Story

Dem Powerbroker David Brock’s Group Got $100K Gift of Chinese Internet Firm’s Stock

Trump Warns That He Might Adjourn Both House and Senate Amid Pandemic

Ruling in 1947 affirming the President’s authority to do this


Half Of American Workers Would Rather Work From Home Forever

Hour 3

State Democrats quickly disown Vernon Jones For Endorsing President Trump

Trump Says U.S. Investigating Whether Virus Came From Wuhan Lab




President Trump unveils phased approach to reopening economy






Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 15

Hour 1

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

Hunter Biden Still Listed As Board Member Of Chinese Company He Pledged To Resign From In October, Business Records Show

Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky governors to coordinate lifting of coronavirus restrictions

WHO official says she suspected human-to-human transmission ‘right from the start’ — but the WHO repeated China’s lies for weeks saying the opposite

Report: World Health Organization ignored Taiwan’s coronavirus warnings to cover for China


Hour 2

U.S. to Block Iran Receiving $1.6 Billion From ‘Victory’ Over 9/11 Victims





House Democrats propose $2,000 monthly payments to Americans

Hour 3

‘I hate bullies’: Bicyclist verbally attacked by Chris Cuomo fires back

Trump Just Made Another Warm Gesture for Michigan Dem Who Credited Him with Saving Her Life



Damn You ! – March 23 Hour 3

2020 Tokyo Olympics Will Be Postponed Due to Coronavirus, Says IOC’s Dick Pound

When virus recedes, GOP plans to unleash sweeping health care reform plan

Nancy Pelosi Ignores Bipartisan Wuhan Virus Relief Bill, Proposes 1,400 Pages Of Progressive Pipe Dreams

The media circles the wagons to protect Democrats

GOP dusts off anti-Pelosi playbook as stimulus negotiations drag on

NYT Quietly Edits Headline On Failed Coronavirus Deal To Protect Democrats — Twice

You Can’t Even Trust Science Media To Cover – March 23 Hour 2

‘I’m going to keep pushing.’ Anthony Fauci tries to make the White House listen to facts of the pandemic

One of the more disgusting and misleading articles on the outbreak I’ve read.

The above article misleads on a lot of facts. Flat-out left some critical facts out. For one, that didn’t tell us about the . A did and the Chinese government smeared them and continued to lie about the virus for some time.

Li Wenliang: Coronavirus death of Wuhan doctor sparks anger

The article also ignored China’s public campaign that led to the virus spreading.

Italian virologist says political correctness doomed his country’s coronavirus response

Senate Again Fails To Pass Cloture Vote On Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

SHOCK: Dem Stock Coronavirus Package With Green New Deal Handouts, Post Office Bailout, Union Cash

Rep. Clyburn Admits Economic Package Is ‘An Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’