Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 9

Hour 1

Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election Sorted by State with Recommended Actions on How to Address

UPDATE: Benford’s Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past – Joe Biden’s Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed — No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information

Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming

Election Fraud Lawsuit Alleges Backdating of Ballots Took Place in Michigan

Hour 2

Gov. Cuomo says politicians will take ‘different tone’ on COVID-19 after Trump loss

Stocks Skyrocket Amid Potential COVID-19 Vaccine News

Pfizer’s political donations are … interesting

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It’s a MIRACLE this was found AFTER the election.


Drinking alcohol and living together without marriage become legal in UAE while honor killings are criminalized in relaxation of Islamic laws

First Plane with Israeli Tourists Lands in UAE After Peace Deal

Hour 3

WITH REMARKABLE SYNCHONRICITY, big media organizations, including Fox, call race for Biden.

JUST LIKE STALIN’S GREAT PURGE: AOC Leads Democrat Effort to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters – Update: sitting judges added to the list

Jail Stephen Miller! Slate Joins Media Cry for Revenge Against Trump Supporters

USPS Is Allegedly Retaliating Against a Whistleblower Who Spoke Out About Potential Voter Fraud

IT BEGINS: BLM Torches White Liberals Who Celebrate Biden; ‘You’re A Bunch Of Fu**ing Fools!’

Biden Rally Woman Screams ‘Blue Lives Do Not Matter, Blue Lives Don’t Exist’ at Cop

There It Is: FOX News Heir’s Wife Kathryn Murdoch Calls Trump a Dictator, Tweets out, “We Did It!” After FOX News Declares Biden Winner!

READ: 2020 Election Fraud lawsuit in Michigan

Former Clinton Adviser: If I’d Know Biden Was Open to ‘Lockdowns,’ I Would’ve Never Voted for Him




Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Nov. 5

Hour 1


‘Issue’ with MI County Software That Only Counted 2 Votes for Republican Candidate, May Affect 33 Other Counties

Michigan Announces Surprise Stack Of 138,000 Ballots And Not a Single One Was For Trump

Correction: This article was honestly and accurately written based on the information we had at the . Since then we have discovered, thanks to LeadStories, that what looked like a suspicious, one-sided jump was actually just an input error. The data was quickly corrected, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

MORE Dead Voters Caught Voting in Michigan — Many Are Older than the Oldest Human Alive Today

Hour 2

US Launched Cyber Attacks on Russia and Iran ‘to Prevent Election Interference’, Report Claims

We’re getting better at treating COVID-19

T-Mobile has to pay $200,000,000 to the FCC because of Sprint shadiness

Hour 3

As Race Tightens, Trump Sues in Pennsylvania and Michigan, Requests Recount in Wisconsin

Euro MSM Outraged and Bewildered at Missing Biden Landslide

Demands Arise for PA Attorney General to ‘Step Aside’

Giuliani Launches Trump Campaign Claim of Dem Voting Fraud in Philly

BREAKING: Team Trump REFUSED Entry Into Philadelphia Counting Center Despite Court Order [VIDEO]




Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 2

Hour 1

Michigan Bars, Restaurants Will Require Customer’s Names And Phone Numbers Starting Monday

Couples owe $3.7B for canceled or delayed weddings due to COVID-19


Remember folks, everything they accuse of doing, they themselves are doing.

FAKE KAMALA GOT LOOMERED! –Laura Loomer Catches Kamala Harris BODY DOUBLE at Palm Beach Polling Place! (VIDEO -PHOTOS)

Hilarious Poll Finds ‘Karens’ Support Joe Biden

Hour 2

Interview: Adam Bujalski for Elkhart County Council

‘Trump Train’ Incident With Biden Bus: Police Say Biden-Harris Vehicle Likely At Fault


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Hour 3

The Day Before the 2020 Election and the Polls Are Looking Great for President Trump and MAGA

The Atlantic issues epic correction after running error-ridden article by fraudster author

Furman U. Prof Kelly Sharp Resigns After Being Accused of Lying About Her Race


Casey breaks down some of the debate between Republican Rep. and her Democratic challenger Pat Hackett for Congressional District 2.

Hackett is completely wrong on some basic foundational issues so Casey corrects the .

It’s also Casey told why Hollywood REALLY hates President so much. Trump raised their taxes, and that’s a good thing.