Daily Show Prep: Monday, Nov. 30

Joe Biden Suffers Multiple Fractures to His Foot While Playing With His Dog


Los Angeles County Banned Outdoor Dining. There’s Zero Evidence It Spreads COVID-19.

Kentucky Coffee Shop Owner Loses License After Bucking Coronavirus Restrictions

It’s Not ‘Woke’ To Be Broke: Major Liberal Cause Turns Out To Be Just Scheme Enriching A Few

FLASHBACK: Biden’s cancer charity, to honor son, spent 3 million on staff salaries but zero on research, taxes show


Hour 2

Judge Blocks Georgia Officials From ‘Erasing’ Data On Dominion Voting Machines After Sidney Powell Lawsuit

Sidney Powell Suit Makes 30 Allegations in Bid to Invalidate Georgia Election Results

Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns judge’s ruling raising constitutional questions about election

Georgia Lawsuit: Witness Testifies About Use of Different Paper For ‘Counterfeit’ Ballots, ‘Watermark Solid Grey Instead of Transparent’ – 100% For Joe Biden



For the record, I don’t buy into this story.

Remember When Democrats Alleged Fraud — This Year?

UPDATED: Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Spiked After Publication

Johns Hopkins Takes Down Article Showing US Deaths in 2020 No Different than Prior Years – It Doesn’t Fit their ‘We’re All Gonna Die’ Narrative

Chinese scientists claim that COVID-19 did not originate in China

Hour 3


Matt Braynard: FBI Has Requested Vote Fraud Research

Candace Owens Challenges Fact-Checker, And Wins

McDonald’s is accused of ‘cultural appropriation at its finest’ over its new Jerk Chicken Sandwich

Globalist Elites at World Economic Forum Tell Public to Start Eating Weeds

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on Jan 20

Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Nov. 25

Judge Blocks Certification of Pennsylvania Election Results

Open Lines

BREAKING: Trump pardons former national security adviser Mike Flynn

State of Indiana pays $15M for unemployment helpline workers who can’t offer much help

Trump team says it’s won hearings in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania legislatures on voting concerns

Republicans Sue to Stop Wisconsin Vote Certification


Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine won’t be a ‘walk in the park,’ doctors warn

Denver’s Democrat Mayor Flies to Family Thanksgiving After Edict to ‘Avoid Travel, if You Can’

Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote “Spikes” Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump (VIDEO)

Computer repairman at center of ‘Biden laptop’ scandal closes shop, disappears amid purported death threats

Jeopardy!’ names Ken Jennings as guest host. Just 1 day later, cancel culture comes for him over a 6-year-old tweet.