Monday, March 1 – Hour 3

Hour 3

The Folly of Lockdowns Exposed in One Simple Graph

Pfizer CEO: ‘Every Year You Will Have to Get Your Annual Shot for COVID’

New York Times Blasted for Citing ‘Unpublished Research’ Inciting Fear About New COVID Variant

A Modest Proposal For Republicans: Use The Word “Class.”

After years of me using ‘political class vs us’ … people are starting to get it.

Virginia School System Bans Dr. Seuss Books from Read Across America Program over ‘Strong Racial Undertones’

Gretchen Whitmer Sued By Journalist For Hiding Nursing Home Deaths – Monday, March1 – Hour 2

Hour 2

Pulitzer-winning journalist to sue Michigan Gov. Whitmer over nursing home death data

Whitmer’s Cuomo Problem: Nursing Homes

Governor Andrew Cuomo Releases Statement Apologizing For Behavior Following Sexual Harassment Allegations

The Media’s Shameful Cover-Up of Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Scandal

Watch: Joe Biden Botches Democrats’ Names, Asks ‘What Am I Doing Here?’

Biden vs Trump On National Security: Here’s The New Administration’s First Month Report Card