Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, April 6

Hour 1

Indiana Man Charged With Attempted Murder After Throwing Fire Bombs at Police in Portland

EXCLUSIVE: Criminal Alien Arrests near U.S. Border Exceed 4500 in 2021

Two Yemenis on FBI Terrorism Watch List Apprehended at Border in California

Clear Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Rare Blood Clots in Brain, EMA Official Tells Paper

CDC says time to stop ‘hygiene theater’ – less focus on sanitizing, more on ventilation

I’ve been saying that for months.

Interview: Breitbart’s John Hayward

China Pressures W.H.O. to Find Origin of Coronavirus in ‘Other Countries’

W.H.O. Adviser: Coronavirus Origin Report Is ‘Not Credible’

W.H.O. Report: Little Evidence Coronavirus Came from Animals, China May Not Be Origin

60 Minutes’ Ron DeSantis Narrative Was Thoroughly Debunked, Yet Axios Claims The Governor ‘Clashes’ With Program



Hour 2


Clarence Thomas Appears To Endorse Outlawing Social Media’s Censorship Of Conservatives: Everything You Need To Know


These Major Airlines Condemned Voter ID Laws, Despite Requiring Passengers Show ID Before Allowing Them To Fly

Psaki Refuses To Answer If Biden Will Stop Lying About Debunked Georgia Election Law Claim

Psaki Repeats Biden’s Debunked Claims About Georgia Election Laws

Hour 3



Feds Likely to Force Companies To Report Pay By Race and Gender

Black Woman Asked To Follow Restaurant’s Time-Limit Policy, Claims Racism

AZ National Guard Head: There’s ‘Worldwide Marketing Campaign’ by Cartels to Smuggle People over Border


Daily Show Prep: Monday, April 5

Hour 1

MSNBC Pushed False Narrative that Capitol Attacker Was ‘White Male’


Would media go silent on Capitol attack suspect Noah Green’s allegiance if he wasn’t with Nation of Islam?

Charles Barkley Drives a Dagger Through the Heart of the Left’s Identity Politics Narrative

Police defunded: Major cities feeling the loss of police funding as murders, other crimes soar

Cops Arrest Latin King for Attempted Murder. He Was Out of Jail With 3 Pending Domestic Violence Related Cases

Hour 2

CNN’s Dr Leana Wen: Keep Lockdowns So Vaccine Is Seen As ‘Ticket’ Back to ‘Freedom’


Canada Issues Recall for Graphene Masks Amid Health Concerns

US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

It’s official: LG is closing down its smartphone business worldwide




Hour 3


CBS ‘News’ Deletes Tweet Advocating How Companies Can Oppose Georgia Republicans



Georgia County That Voted For Biden To Lose $100+ Million Over MLB Relocating Game After Biden Remarks: Report

Coke-free zones: Georgia Republicans ban Coca-Cola from office over voting law criticism

Psaki Insults Reporter For Asking If Biden Will Pull Out Of Beijing Olympics After His MLB Remarks

Hunter Biden says he has no ‘recollection’ of encounter with ex-stripper whose child he fathered