May 7, 2017

Watch: Elderly White Woman Assaulted At Pool

We all know how this story would play out in the media if the races were reversed. There’d be nonstop coverage, protests/riots/violence/fire, discussions of white privilege (which does not exist), community organizers would be demanding a national discussion on race (without allowing the other side to speak), pathetic white people with a guilty consciences would be demanding we give free things to every non-white person in the country, Black Lives Matter would would do the same, there’d be near universal demands for hate crimes charges on the young man that assaulted that woman, and the crowd members who demanded he her. All that is BEFORE the amoebas at ESPN started weighing in to tell us every white person and every city is racist.

Alas, it was a group of young black people who demanded this older white woman be assaulted, and then a member of that group assaulted her. After he slammed her into the ground, he dragged her to the and threw her into the pool. As this assault on this woman was happening, the group were mocking and laughing at her. After she was assaulted, they ran … still laughing. As a result, this story is not mentioned on the front pages of any of the cable outlets at the time of this writing. There are several stories on CNN, and MSNBC highlighting racial issues, but all paint whites as the bad guy. Not … one … honest discussion.

It’s a conversation they don’t want to have. It shatters the false narrative that they’ve perpetuated for all of these years. So they just sweep it under the rug until they can elevate a white on black incident to a 24/7 bash whitey marathon.

I’m not saying this was racially motivated, but let’s be honest about how it would be covered if the races were reversed. We also know that if this didn’t involve a crowd of young black people, the news would cover this wall to wall as an example of how our youths don’t respect anyone today. This is a story, with gripping video, that would be covered by every news outlet in the country if it weren’t for the skin color of the participants. Whether we want to admit it or not, we know that to be true.

Since I know some feeble-minded idiot out there will say it … no, it does not matter that it looks like his dropping her was an accident. He was in the midst of assaulting her, and putting his hands on her without her permission in order to throw her in the pool. That is a criminal offense … period.




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