February 7, 2017

Tuesday, February 7 – Hour 2 Podcast

California Dem Wants Students to Learn Russians Elected Trump

In a statement about his pending bill, the “Pravda Act of 2017,” Assemblyman Marc Levine (D-Marin County) wrote, “The work of 17 intelligence agencies including the FBI and CIA confirmed Russian interference in our election. This is a threat to our democracy and must be treated with appropriate significance in American history.”

#Tucker to @MarcLevine_CA: Why should politicians be involved in crafting textbooks? – TCT @FoxNews

FLASHBACK (TO YESTERDAY): Daily Show Prep: Monday, February 6 – The Burning Truth

Three members of the intelligence panel and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs were among the dozens of members who employed the suspects on a shared basis. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.

ATF: 21st Century Suppressor Regulations are ‘Archaic’ – Breitbart

In the past several years, opinions about silencers have changed across the United States. Their use to reduce noise at shooting ranges and applications within the sporting and hunting industry are now well recognized. At present, 42 states generally allow silencers to be used for sporting purposes. The wide acceptance of silencers and corresponding changes in state laws have created substantial demand across the country. This surge in demand has caused ATF to have a significant backlog on silencer applications. ATF’s processing time is now approximately 8 months.

Flight attendant’s instinct stops case of human smuggling | WTSP.com

“She wrote on the note she needed help,”

BREAKING: Army Approves Dakota Access Pipeline – Christine Rousselle

The Army Corps of Engineers will grant a permit to begin building the Dakota Access Pipeline, the controversial pipeline that saw months of protests with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in North Dakota. Under the Obama administration, the Army Corps of Engineers was required to complete an environmental study prior to the pipeline approval–and this study has now been abandoned.

CONFUSION: Maxine Waters claims Putin ‘continuing to advance into Korea’ – The American MirrorThe American Mirror

Korea, Crimea, what’s the difference, besides spellings, cultures and continents?

VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Thinks GEORGE BUSH Is Still PRESIDENT?

During a press conference on Monday, Nancy Pelosi said “We’ve seen nothing where we can where — where I can work with President Bush on.”


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South Bend Police Recruiting Data. The Facts.

South Recruiting . Facts.

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the South Bend Police Department, accusing it of discriminatory hiring practices. South Bend officials defend their process, saying their exams align with Indiana law and their diverse recruiting efforts have brought the department closer to national averages.

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