February 7, 2017

Monday, February 7 – Hour 2 Podcast

Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data | The Daily Caller

Bates said NOAA scientists made a “blatant attempt to intensify the impact” of global warming to eliminate the “pause” in temperature rise since 1998. The Daily Mail claims Bates showed it “irrefutable” evidence NOAA’s study relied on “unverified” data.

NOAA To ‘Review’ Claims Of Manipulated Climate Research | The Daily Caller

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said it will “review” allegations by a former scientist that researchers rushed a study claiming the world was warming faster than previously thought to influence policymakers.

DELINGPOLE: NOAA Scandal Gives Trump Excuse To Drain Climate Swamp

This reported on how NOAA had refused to give up its documents in response to a subpoena by Rep Lamar Smith (R-Texas) who also smelt a rat – and just needed some raw data to prove it.

FLASHBACK: Re-writing The Climate History of Iceland | Energy Matters

In the 1960s, Iceland (and the whole N Atlantic) experienced a run of very cold years caused by extreme atmospheric pressure differentials linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Many of these cold records appear to have been systematically deleted in V3.1 with the effect of all but removing this well-documented event from Icelandic climate history. Following the end of the Little Ice Age, Iceland experienced rapid warming in the 1920s reaching near “record warmth” in 1939. This near record warmth has also been written out of Icelandic climatic history by adjusting the temperature records down, leaving the false impression that 2003 was an anomalously warm year.

Indiana Democrats push their own road funding plan – 95.3 MNC

Under the plan shared Monday, House Democrats would freeze corporate and high-income tax cuts, put revenue from the existing sales tax on gasoline toward infrastructure and allow a trust fund to be used for local road loans. It also projects collecting $300 million annually in reversions through agencies cutting waste, fraud and abuse.

U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski votes against gun background check bill – 95.3 MNC

“This regulation discriminates against individuals with disabilities by denying them their 2nd Amendment rights and violating their rights to due process,” Walorski said. “That is why we are standing up for the 2nd Amendment rights of all disabled Americans. Being disabled doesn’t make you a danger to society, and getting help managing your benefits doesn’t mean you forfeit your constitutional rights.”


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Daily Show Prep: Friday, Sept. 27

Daily : , Sept. 27

Hour 1 Casey reminds everyone about Imran Awan and its importance to the new Iranian hacker story. 3 hackers with ties to Iran indicted in plot against Trump campaign: DOJ Irangate: Iran’s Plan to Stop Trump and Elect Kamala Speaker Johnson Rips Zelensky For...

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Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Sept. 26

Daily : , Sept. 26

Hour 1 Indiana gubernatorial candidates discuss poor infant, maternal mortality rates The number one cause of maternal death is overdosing. CNN Admits to Using ‘Digitally Altered’ Photos of Donald Trump, Laura Loomer Hour 2 Mann Says He Was Correct...

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Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 24

Daily : , Sept. 24

Hour 1 BREAKING: Son of would-be Trump assassin arrested for child porn NEW: Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters I've been telling you about this group for years. FLASHBACK:...

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