August 21, 2024

Penn-Harris Madison Resume Without Officer

As returns to school today, you’ll notice some changes exclusively covered by The Burning over the past few months.

On April 15, 2024, we covered that PHM Schools were dropping the officer position.

Breaking: PHM Eliminates DEI Officer Position

Despite having multiple sources within the school district confirming this, we were called liars.

Protestations we were wrong aside … a few days later another hammer at PHM.

PHM Student Handbook Changes Are Interesting

PHM stripped DEI from their handbooks.

All that was left was for the school board to make it official, would be no at PHM for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

On 20, 2024 … they did just that.

PHM Confirms My Exclusive Story Was Correct

As we’ve been telling you the whole time, DEI will be hidden, renamed, and will rear its ugly head . However, this was a victory against a horrible discriminatory .

Unfortunately, some people just couldn’t accept this and continue, to this day, to deny the DEI officer position is perpetually vacant. It wasn’t ‘eliminated’ they say. It was just left vacant indefinitely and funding for it ceased with no plans to ever revive the position or its funding.

Totally not the same thing folks.

Today is -to-school for PHM, and they do not have a DEI officer for the district.

PHM’s staff directory before …

PHM’s staff directory now …

You can verify this on their website.


Podcast – Wednesday, Sept. 11 – Hour 2

Podcast – , Sept. 11 – 2

I gathered a bunch of testimonies from residents of Springfield, Ohio, about migrants and their food choices. Maybe David Muir wants to go investigate instead of quoting the city manager. This dropped bag of Cheetos disrupted the ecosystem of a New Mexico cave but I...

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Podcast – Wednesday, Sept. 11 – Hour 3

Podcast – , Sept. 11 – 3

Hour 3 How late into pregnancy abortion is legal Falling Allen County jail population staves off ACLU request for prisoner release order Election officials warn that widespread problems with the US mail system could disrupt voting See for...

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