July 24, 2023

Daily : , July 24


Body found in water near Obama mansion in Martha’s Vineyard, Daily Mail reports 911 call came from their home


AI is taking over the world, and now “scientists have witnessed metal healing itself for the first time, without any human intervention.” I think I can see where this is heading y’all.

This new app helps shoppers identify woke brands to avoid


NBC Ratioed Into Next Week for Hot Take on Family Being One of Biden’s ‘Greatest Strengths’

Twitter Killer or Clone? Threads App Sees Gargantuan Drop in Engagement

STEM Students Troll Woke LGBT Survey — Researchers Blame ‘Rise Of Online Fascism’

Biden Admin. Awards Soros-Backed Puerto Rican Group $2M to Study ‘Toxic Masculinities’

Hour 2

: . is running for

7 Republican presidential candidates meet polling criteria for first RNC debate


Radio Host DESTROYS Two Leftist Women On National Television

FBI Abused FISA to Spy on U.S. Senator, State Official and Judge

WATCH: Just Stop Oil got a taste of their own medicine when pranksters tied alarms to balloons to interrupt their banquet 👨‍🍳🤌

Hour 3

Nebraska sentences teen girl in first criminal abortion case. The Left is correct that it’s a travesty of justice, but not for the reason they think.

The Left’s Astounding, Utterly False Narrative About a Nebraska Mother Who Aborted Her 30-Week Baby

Real Journalists™ have a lot to learn from this frosh student journo who took down Stanford’s president

It’s NPR vs. NPR on ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’ about eating bugs


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South Bend Police Recruiting Data. The Facts.

South Recruiting . Facts.

The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the South Bend Police Department, accusing it of discriminatory hiring practices. South Bend officials defend their process, saying their exams align with Indiana law and their diverse recruiting efforts have brought the department closer to national averages.

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