December 20, 2016

Tuesday, December 20 – Hour 2 Podcast

Officer Claims Department Violated Her Free Speech | The Daily Caller

A former Georgia police officer filed a lawsuit against her police department after they fired her for flying a Confederate flag in front of her house.

Judge orders unsealing of search warrant in Clinton email probe – POLITICO

A federal judge has ordered the unsealing of a search warrant that played a role in the controversial public renewal of the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email just before the presidential election.

9 Scapegoats Progressives Blame for Hillary Clinton’s Stunning Loss – Breitbart

A month after Hillary Clinton’s devastating election loss to Donald Trump, progressives have placed blame for their defeat on everything from “fake ” to racism to Russian hacker

What Voter Fraud? Election Officials Find 782 More Votes than Voters in Detroit

In 248 precincts, there were a total of 782 more votes tabulated by voting machines than the number of voters listed as picking up ballots in the precincts’ poll books. That makes up just three-tenths of 1% of the total 248,211 votes that were logged in Detroit for the presidential election. That number was far too small to swing the statewide election results, even in this year’s especially tight race that saw a Republican win Michigan for the first time since George Bush in 1988.

NYT’s Peters: Dems Have ‘Utter Incapability for Self-Examination’ About 2016 Election – Breitbart

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters stated Democrats have an “utter incapability for self-examination.”

FLASHBACK to my August analysis of the election, and polls: (33) Dana Perino’s analysis of the polls is very… – Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host

Dana Perino’s analysis of the polls is very decent. It is flawed somewhat.



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Daily Show Prep: Friday, Sept. 27

Daily : , Sept. 27

Hour 1 Casey reminds everyone about Imran Awan and its importance to the new Iranian hacker story. 3 hackers with ties to Iran indicted in plot against Trump campaign: DOJ Irangate: Iran’s Plan to Stop Trump and Elect Kamala Speaker Johnson Rips Zelensky For...

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Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Sept. 26

Daily : , Sept. 26

Hour 1 Indiana gubernatorial candidates discuss poor infant, maternal mortality rates The number one cause of maternal death is overdosing. CNN Admits to Using ‘Digitally Altered’ Photos of Donald Trump, Laura Loomer Hour 2 Mann Says He Was Correct...

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Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Sept. 24

Daily : , Sept. 24

Hour 1 BREAKING: Son of would-be Trump assassin arrested for child porn NEW: Kamala Harris Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters I've been telling you about this group for years. FLASHBACK:...

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