McNamara announced plans to propose a bill next year that would make it a felony to threaten a specific law enforcement agency and other emergency personnel.
The University of Houston’s student body vice-president, Rohini Sethi, has received severe sanctions over posting All Lives Matter on Facebook. The Facebook post that got Sethi in hot water reads in full:”Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.” [RELATED: University of Houston BLM demands student leader resigns over ‘all lives matter’ post] Sethi’s punishment includes a 50-day suspension beginning…
A total of 4,279 Americans renounced their citizenship over the duration of 2015 – which was the third consecutive year to set a new annual record. The total number of expatriates for this year is at 1,666, according to data published on Friday, just below the 1,795 who renounced their citizenship during the same period in 2015. The consistent…