July 7, 2016

Thursday, July 7 – Hour 3 Podcast

Comey: ‘It’s Possible’ Hillary Didn’t Understand What Classification Markings Are [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Not that she would have no idea what a classified marking would be. But it’s an interesting question as to whether she– this question about sophistication came up earlier, whether she was actually sophisticated enough to understand what a ‘C’ in parens means,” Comey replied.

Hillary Clinton Not Under Oath During FBI Interview | The Daily Caller

Clinton was also not placed under oath during the interview, which was conducted Saturday at FBI headquarters. The three-and-a-half hour session was also not recorded, Comey told Florida Rep. John Mica during a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing.

Speaker Ryan Will Formally Request Hillary Be Denied Access to Classified Information

ABC News is reporting that House Speaker Paul Ryan will formally make a request of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to deny Hillary Clinton access to classified intelligence information she is privy to as the Democrat Party nominee for president.

Related  Show Prep: Mon, January 21


Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Oct. 1

Daily : , . 1

Hour 1 Controversial MLB legend Pete Rose dies at 83 "We gotta get off the roof!": Iran fills the skies with ballistic missiles fired at Israel, impacts recorded in Tel Aviv ‘We Are Winning’: Netanyahu Slams UN As ‘House Of Darkness’ In Scathing Speech Tuesday Tithe...

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Podcast – New Patent Will Allow Ford Cars To Spy On You

Podcast – Will Allow To On You

9-19 - Hour 3 Lower incomes, higher inflation, and fewer people with private health insurance — such is life under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. A whopping 41% of Americans are at “peak stress” levels after years of the Best Economy Ever™ What Happens After Biden’s...

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Podcast – Hillary Wants You In Jail For Telling The Truth

Podcast – For Telling Truth

9-17 - Hour 3 Climate crusader Tim Walz flies less than 54 miles between non-airport Michigan campaign stops Evil Witch Hillary Clinton, Queen of Russian Hoaxes, Calls for Jailing Americans for ‘Misinformation’ Dem Operatives Are Deceiving Pro-Trump Disabled, Senior...

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